Been trying for 18 months :(

Thanks ! That's not the one I originally ordered so changed order. When I looked back
And say how many versions I panicked! I am
Sure i will have many questions about charting so
Will definitely be in touch zx
Hi Greekgirl
Welcome to the forum and wishing you lots of luck for the months ahead.
I just had one suggestion to add as i struggled with the opk strips to get a proper postivie. Until i started doing them much later at around 9pm and then all became clear. So its definately worth trying different times of the day on the sticks for when you think is the right time. I always found that the egg white mucus is very closely timed with ovulation for me the first day of it is ovualtion day with cm three days before. So its definately worth marking out everything for a couple of months to get more in tune with whats going on with you.

Lots of baby dust to you and have a think about a journal to!
x Daisy
Hi daisy have only just seen ur post . Thanks for the advice as I feel that doing the sticks was more depressing than not doing them . I'm trying to relax about TTc as each month I would cry. TTc cycle 25 now ... Was more advanced then I realised . :( x
Hi greekgirl - welcome to the forum :-)
I have only just started TTC so haven't experienced the heartbreak you are going through waiting for a BFP. I really hope you get your BFP really soon xxx

Itisbabytime - thank you so much for the Amazon book link, I have ordered a copy too :-) Hopefully it will explain about CM types and understanding your BBT as I am getting really confused with it all lol.
Thanks ! Let's hope u don't ave as long to wait for ur bfp ! Book is great :)
Yay my book arrived yesterday, it's fantastic! Only read a few pages but it is so easy to understand and explains all about CM and charting your BBT :-) I would highly recommend it.

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