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Trying for nearly for 15 months to get pregnant


New Member
Feb 14, 2005
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I have been off contraceptive for 15 months, during the first 3 months of being off the pill I had 3 normal periods... then without reason my periods stopped, this carried on for nearly 7 months. I have my last period about 3 weeks ago. I have been thru all the usual tests including blood tests and scans and and I am due to have an appointment at the hospital to discuss fertility as they are not sure if I have PCOS. I am now spending every nite peeing on ovulation tests in the vain hope of trying to work out in I am ovulating or not. So far very little is happening and my doctor doesn't really know what to say apart from it will happen when it happens. Does anyone else know how I feel cos personally I am beginning to think I am destined to not have children... (Slight exaggeration maybe!) :D
We ttc'd for 18 months.. well.. technically 17.. we got our bfp in jan, conceived in dec... anywho... I had totally given up on having a baby of our own. We had done sperm analysis'.. we had done all the bloodwork.. we went as far as we had planned on going... clomid.. all that stuff. It wasn't until we finally said enough with the docs.. and went on our own merry way. We had started getting ready for the adoption process..
Thanks for your reply it gives me some hope for the future.. x
your welcome bubble.. anytime.. i know it looks really dim.. i've so been there... and be assured.. when you do get pg.. it's a whole nother bunch of worries..!!! :roll:
Alicia, you've given hope not only to Bubble but to me too. We've been trying to conceive since June 2003. I got fed up and went to this clinic that the doctor recommended but it seemed so 'fancy' and 'technological' and I just thought, "Nope, I'm going to do this the natural way!" So far no luck but I haven't been stressing too much about it. Do you mind sharing your age? I am 31.
I'm 28. And honestly.. I stopped focusing on ttc'ing. We had started to look into the adoption process.. and getting that going.. when we popped up pg. I took November and December off from ttc'ing in general.. relaxed.. thought nothing of it. Took Nov off temping.. started temping in December haphazardly.. and boom. I was saying the week of my bfp.. that there was no chance in heyal that I could be pg.. our timing seemed off to me.. but still.. it happens, when you least expect it!

Good luck.. I'll keep tabs on you both!
Hi guys, Sorry about the long time between replies. I am also 28 soon to be 29. I have recently been referred to my local hospital regarding fertility testing. Due to my irregular periods (or lack of) they have come to the conclusion I am not ovulating - I could have told them that ! I have had another batch of scrapes and prods and their next bet is a HSG which will check my tubes but before they do that they are going to stimulate my body into ovulating. To be fair the doctor was lovely, we'll wait and see. Seems so unfair that other people fall so easily. Good luck to u all. x :D
Good luck Bubble! I didn't have the Hsg done... I hear it hurts so make sure that dh goes with you so you can squeeze the h out of his hand! (((((HUGZ))))) when is it scheduled?
Hi everybody...well, if it's hope you need..maybe my story can help.
We have been trying for three years...yes, THREE YEARS!! I didn't want to go to clinical, so we kept it all natural, with the philosophy "If It Happens It Happens...If It Doesn't It Doesn't". Still, it was very hard, because my periods were not happening at all...and when they did start again, they were every three to four months, and then about 4/5 months ago, they started coming so regular..like never before...every 28 days on the dot..almost to the hour!! Well, the good news is that now I am 7weeks pregnant...it all seems so unreal, but we are over the moon!! :D So even after long long times, these miracles can still happen..now we just have to wait till the end of the month to share the good news with friends/family...thats the hard bit, because I really want to share now!About two years ago I stoped drinking, and started eating as healthily as I could..loads and loads of fruit and veges, I don't know what made it happen, but something has! At Last..and I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!! :D :lol:

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