18 months :(

Thanks all for ur useful advice . My mum came with me for my results as hubby was at work and when he told me bloods showed correct levels for ovulation , she said what now and he just told me to get pregnant like I wasn't trying ! How irritated I fit but thought he knows best so surely I'm just being a pain .
I will go bk nd peak to him and if no luck I will aim to go private . I am around kids everyday as I'm a reception class teacher and sometimes I can't face being at work . 6 mums are pregnant at the mo 2 and 3 new babies nice September at my door . One mum asked me if I was planning on a baby as she knows I'm recently maried . I was like yeah soon hopefully ! ;( thanks ll helps to talk about it as feel people think I'm over reacting . I'm 27 and want my family x
Definately get your hubby a SA, because 40% of infertility is down to a male factor. I can relate so much with you all, its hard when everyone seems to be getting pregnant. I have a friend who gave birth today after trying for 2 years with PCO's so there is hope. I also have another friend who is waiting for IVF and my auntie and uncle who are going through it at the min... infertility is more common than you think even though it doesnt always seem that way xxx
honestly you have been trying long enough to request help. NICE guidliens state that couples who have regular unprotected sex for 12 months are ready for further diagnostics. Your gp sounds like an ass. is there another gp you can see at your surgery? I would push for a progesteron test (called a day21), a semen analysis, FSH or AMH to check your ovarian reserve, all the general blood tests, rubella antibody, and an HSG to check tubes. these are all the basis and need done to rule out any obvious issues. you are not over-reacting. if you can afford private, definatly do it. if not, keep on at the gp, you are entitled to these tests
Hi thanks again , I have had the 21day test and because they came bk ok he said I was ok and would just fall pregnant . There is no other doc at the surgery . So will see if there is anything else I can do
please hun push for more answers, u are entitled to further investiagations. good luck.

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