Been to the Doc still in shock and scared!!!

I have heard of people being pregnant but getting negative hpt's after the placenta takes over x it would be quite early for him to pick up a hb if you are still pg after mc and you'd be 13 weeks x fingers crossed for you tomorrow x x
Ooh I have fingers crossed they find a healthy little bubby in there
Good luck for tomorrow snoop xxxxxxxxxxx
lol i would be opening the letter then putting it into a diff one lol, the way i see it, its about you so u have every right to read it...but im tooo nosey for my own good lol x x
lol i would be opening the letter then putting it into a diff one lol, the way i see it, its about you so u have every right to read it...but im tooo nosey for my own good lol x x

I would totally be doing this too!!!I really hope its good news for you hunni xxx
lol i would be opening the letter then putting it into a diff one lol, the way i see it, its about you so u have every right to read it...but im tooo nosey for my own good lol x x

I would totally be doing this too!!!I really hope its good news for you hunni xxx

same here i wont be able not to look!!
wishing you all the best for tomz x
I have heard of people being pregnant but getting negative hpt's after the placenta takes over x it would be quite early for him to pick up a hb if you are still pg after mc and you'd be 13 weeks x fingers crossed for you tomorrow x x

I really hope so deep down it is my baby i thought i lost that would be the most amazing feeling ever. :)

Ooh I have fingers crossed they find a healthy little bubby in there

Thank you, i am hoping so to and not anything else :)

lol i would be opening the letter then putting it into a diff one lol, the way i see it, its about you so u have every right to read it...but im tooo nosey for my own good lol x x

Lol I was tempted but it has writting on the envelope with my name and date of birth :lol:
Thanks everyone for the replys. I will try and not make you all wait to long to hear how the scan goes tomorrow :lol:
3+1 means this is your third pregnancy and you have one living child.
just want to say good luck for tomorrow hun!
it all sounds so intriging...take care xx
Wow. All the best snoop. Let us know asap how u get on
lol i would be opening the letter then putting it into a diff one lol, the way i see it, its about you so u have every right to read it...but im tooo nosey for my own good lol x x

ME TOO!!! I would defo read the letter!

Good luck for tomorrow Snoop!!!!
Your doc was quite specific about the foot! Really hope you get a nice surprise x
Good luck for today Hun, and I would DEF read the letter!
Put the letter over the kettle it will
come open like butter haha and be re sealable hahaha! I would read
it good luck for today chick x x x x
Oh my goodness, i am on the edge of my seat! What a miracle it would be to find a little baby in there waving on the scan!!

Good luck, hun. I hope you get happy news xx
I know! I'm sitting here refreshing the page every 10mins to see if theres any news!! So exciting!! :)

Any news on Snoop?? I hope she is ok x

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