Been in hospital most of today :0(

Awwww Jay Jay thank you. I can rest easy now knowing it wasn't full on contracting. I'd like her to stay pit just for another week! Got lots on lol! Plus I need to iron all her clothes xx
OMG that is shocking! Babybo that stupid person, I hope is swamped with guilt for not checking you were alright, pregnant or not it is just the decent thing to do! (rant over). I'm so pleased you and baby are ok and dr's felt you were safe to go home. Your OH is funny about your feet not working haha. Take it easy though sounds like your little one is getting ready to meet mummy and daddy :) x
Must've been really frightening for you! But glad everything seems to be ok! Was just about to say what Jayjay said, soft womb is when you're not contracting.
Make sure you get lots of rest!! and no falling over in future lol
Omg babybo, how scary!! Funny how clumsy we get once pregnant with baby brain and all that!! Hope u have been resting up well xx
i think the soft womb means ur body is getting prepared for the big day, glad ur little baby is doing ok :)

did you know that reflexology can actually start ur labour off as there are pressure point in hands and feet that can start the process!! they use reflexology in my area to start labour off as well as the sweep and its pretty effective

Glad ur both ok and make sure you have plenty of rest :) xxx
Oh honey, how awful for you. So pleased that you and bubs are doing ok, enjoy resting up. Xx

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