been for 25 week check at midwifes


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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Hi all

Just thought id share that i have been for my 25 week check and the midwife seems happy with my bump, she said it measures perfect to how far along i am. i heard the babies heartbeat ( i have a doppler, but she seemed dead excited, which is lovely because MW at 16 weeks was miserable) so i didnt tell her as i knew i would get super excited anyway... i always do, plus it was nice to know that what i was listening to is the same as what she picked up :)

Im back in 3 weeks time for bloods and general check up. she said we discuss anti natel classes at that appointment.

I asked her about raspberry leaf tea and she highly recommends it as she drank it from 37 weeks with her first child and the labour was on 1hr and 15mins. Fingers crossed i have a nice birth like that.

Thats great that u had such a good appointment!
I have mine on Tuesday morning :)
At what point do you start drinking the raspberry tea?
Oooo sounds like a great visit. Did you get your Mat B1 cert!
My MW said not before 37 weeks, but ive heard you can drink it before then in small doses.
She said its quite bitter and honey or sugar can help the taste.

She advised it wont start my labour early but people believe it help make labour quicker.

I think im going to start at 37 and just drink plenty of it :) if i dont like the taste ill buy the capsuals and just take the recommended doseage

Oooo sounds like a great visit. Did you get your Mat B1 cert!

Yep.... not sure how i forgot that, it was the most important part of the visit lol

i told my employer but HR is all over the place at the moment since we were recently taken over and i just had an email to say they will get back to me shortly... hmmm does Mat Leave etc... need to be confirmed by a certain date?

Great to hear that you had a good appointment hun. I've got mine on Tues afternoon. Can i ask what your bump measures? I've not had mine measured yet but have been worrying about the size so am going to ask her to measure me this time! xxx
Went for mine this week too = all ok except my bump is aparently measuring too big!

Dee83 - they measure from your pubic bone to where they can feel the top of your uterus - supposed to be 1cm for each week and then grow by 1cm a week ie 25 weeks should measure 25 cms. I was measuring 28.
She said when I go back in 3 weeks for the glucose test she'll measure again and if it's still big then she'll send me for a scan.My OH was a bit of a pie head as a baby and so was my brother so slightly worried :wink:
Went for mine this week too = all ok except my bump is aparently measuring too big!

Dee83 - they measure from your pubic bone to where they can feel the top of your uterus - supposed to be 1cm for each week and then grow by 1cm a week ie 25 weeks should measure 25 cms. I was measuring 28.
She said when I go back in 3 weeks for the glucose test she'll measure again and if it's still big then she'll send me for a scan.My OH was a bit of a pie head as a baby and so was my brother so slightly worried :wink:

I'm worried that i'm too big too Nicky - everyone keeps commenting that i look like i'm nearly due :shock: I was a big baby and my OH was pretty massive (think he was 9lb 10!!). Will be good to find out whether my bump's actually as big as i think it is! Thanks for the info hun. :)

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