Bedtime story


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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At what age should we start reading a bedtime story to Maddison? At the moment she has her last feed around 7:30/8pm and is asleep straight away when she finishes bottle. Should we take her up to bed a bit earlier and tell her a story before her bottle? The only problem with this is that she is quite grumpy around this time and I dont think she would be happy to just sit there and listen to a story :lol: She has her bath in the daytime as she isnt overly keen on them so I dont like to upset her just before bed. Any advice? :hug:
Not sure what to recommend hun, Libby is too grumpy for a bedtime story soon as her PJ's are on, she is grumpy until she gets her bottle (as she knows its coming so she'll cry for it if we keep her waiting...what a diva :lol: ) so she just has bath, PJ's, bottle & bed.....I was thinking about this the other day, and think as she gets older, I'll just see when it looks like it will fit neatly into the routine :think:
Im not sure what to advise hun, Imogen goes to sleep as soon her head hits the cot! (not literally) but I leave a story cd going on between my room and stephens room so they are getting a story but cd, cant do it with DS he just falls asleep.
I read Tia stories before bed from day one (well day four when we left hospital)... she has always loved them... but I think it was more the sound of my voice that she enjoyed... After all in your belly they hear your voice all the time.

I only realised Tia actually listened to the stories when she was 6 and I was reading a sad bit from the chronicles of Narnia... and she started crying.

You could start reading the book during bottle/boob time, or put them in the cot and read it while they are lying there. It a really nice experience.
Thanks girls. Hubby gives Maddison her bedtime bottle so think I will read her a story while she has this (although this bottle is given in dim light so I might not be able to see book :lol: ). If this doesnt work then will just start introducing stories while she is still downstairs with us :hug:

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