Nap right before bed HELP


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Well Kayla didnt nap after her 4pm bottle and oh said just leave her till bed time but the she went asleep at 720 and is still asleep up in her cot,

8pm is bath bottle bed time, Do i leave her to wake her self no matter how llong she stays asleep for of wake her now so she has 15 mins then bath bottle and back to bed?

were currently weaning off her dummy cold turkey so shes a little cranky anyway so dont want to anger her lol
I'd say yeah whatever time she wakes do bath bottle n back to bed, max has done this couple of times but he still went down fine good luck xxx

P.s has the no dummy made a difference at night? Xxx
hard to say yet as were still dealing with the withdrawal, she was bad last night, went off to sleep but woke looking for it at 4 am and i made themistake of picking her up which onlly really escelated the problem, so oh took her down stairs n tried to put her down n she woke a few times screaming then slept till 9, was much better today only got upset at nap time but was asleep in 5 or 10 mins , she woke at 10 to so had bath n bottle and i letf her at 20 to and she was giving ou but is just noding off now, Apparently the first 3 days are the worst so will see how wego

i wont lie itss horrible seeing her upset butonce i know there is nothing wrong except wanting the dummy i dont let my self feel guilty cos i know it will do her good as she will get better sleep when she isnt waking her self every half hour
I'd just do a change and feed and put her down again otherwise she'll wake up properly x
Hmmm well let me know if it makes a big difference sleep wise as I think that's why Max won't sleep properly. I just duno if I could be brave enough to take it away! Xxx
Hmmm well let me know if it makes a big difference sleep wise as I think that's why Max won't sleep properly. I just duno if I could be brave enough to take it away! Xxx

Well were defo not fully over it but it has made a difference all ready, last night she woke at 4 as usual and put her self back asleep again then woke at 5 but cried so i said id time her for 10 mins before going to her and after about 4 minutes she was asleep again I couldnt sleep worrying about her so heard her wake and put her self back to sleep loads of times after that without crying or making any fuss and woke for the day at 740
all smiles and happy
You would defo have to be committed and have OH on the same page though, i defo could not have done it without OH reminding me there was nothing wrong with her other than wanting the dummy, i wanted to cave so many times but then we would have put her trough it for nothing and she would still be getin interrupted sleep looking for it
Yeah see I just don't think I'd be strong enough to try settle him without one, he doesn't have one to go to sleep which is weird but its during the night he cries for it. I keep trying to settle first but after a few mins I give in as I don't wanna wake OH and my neighbours. I'm moving house next month and he will have his own room then so I might try something different at that stage rather than now. I'm kinda just hoping he stops waking himself.

Weird thing is he never did that when he had night feeds at all, he'd eat then go straight back down, but he's replaced milk with the dummy I guess !

Without speaking out of turn can I ask why your weaning her off the dummy so young? Just curiosity :)
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Without speaking out of turn can I ask why your weaning her off the dummy so young? Just curiosity :)

Yeah course ya can hun, She wakes her self every half hour from 3 or 4 onwards cos it falls out of her mouth and after speaking with HV who advised weaning now we decided to give it a go cos she was missing out on so much sleep during the night

She said that from 4 months on they can become very addicted and that 12 weeks was ideal but 4 months was still ok otherwise would be too hard so would need to wait till she was a todler that she could kind of understand what was going on

Did a good bit of research not to just take her word for it but most of what i read agreed so we went with it

Think its harder on me than her to be honest lol
That's fair enough.. It won't take long before she figures out how to get it in herself.. Just don't want you to get sleepless nights because she wants to suck u know? I've never heard of weaning a baby off the dummy so early so I was curious as to why you were doing it.. Hope I haven't come across against what your doing :)
To be honest I had never heard of it either till she said it and explained the whole sleep association thing and the 4 month seep regression she was heading towards, Would never have entered my head to take it away but it makes sense i guess when u think about it

Defo not for everyone but it has worked for us, she had a great night last night and is a very happy baby this morning

Dont worry hun everyone has there own opinions and everyone knows whats best for there baby so didnt take any offence in asking at all:-)
It's refreshing to come across someone who doesn't jump down ur throat for having an opinion or questions something! Some people can be very sensitive when they shouldn't be lol!
That's great it's worked for you!! Well done for perservering!!! :clap: it seems to have paid off!! Ellie went off her dummy around 4-5months just had it to sleep then it would be out all night and all day.. Whereas Jaycee had it in her mouth day and night.. Drove me nuts and was hard to get it off her for nursery she used to hide them around the house haha!! Don't know how lily will be I'm hoping like Ellie!

Glad ur LO is sleeping well now, goes to show you can train (maybe not the right word but I'm tired lol) your baby to do anything really just takes dedication and patience!! You've done an amazing job well done!! :clap:
Aww thanks hun, Yeah i know people like that and drives me nuts lol

Well i guess i kind of trained ( tired too cant think of better word) her to be reliant on the dummy in the first place by giving it to her so it was just what she was used to so now she is used to bed without it

As the HV said to me i go to bed with a pillow and thats what im used to so if i go into light sleep and notice its not there i wont go straight asleep i would wake and look for it and if it was lost and i kept going to bed without it for few nights it wouldnt register when i go into light sleep lol

Aww so cute that she used to hide them goes to show all babies are different x
That's true!! It's like I've got used to sleeping with my 5ft pillow from pregnancy and I can't sleep without it now!!
It was cute but a pain in the ass lol!! Xx

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