A question for Co-sleepers - bedtime...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hiya Co-Sleepers,

What happens during your LO's bedtime (what time does he/she go to bed? do you go to bed at the same time? does she go to bed in your bed or cot?)

I put LO to bed around 8pm, and then go to bed myself at around 11pm. The issue is that because of her separation anxiety/teething she sometimes wakes up (from once to a few times) before I go to sleep myself. Sometimes she just cries for a short time, sometimes I will need to go and help her to settle (not keen on CC).

She goes to sleep in my bed but I know I need to get her to sleep in her cot before I go up as soon she will be moving more and could fall off the bed.
We start feeding aroung 7pm and Coopers normally asleep by half past. He alls asleep in my bed and i stay next to him and watch tv. Coopers like your LO and often wakes up so i just pop him back on boob. I am starting to pop him in his cot but that only lasts for an hr or so before he wakes and is back in my bed. :roll: I couldn't leave him as he's crawling now so i'm going to persevere with the putting him in his cot and hopefully he'll sleep longer. We'll see :)
Thanks Keli.

We never used to have this problem as LO used to be fine on her own. She was also fine to fall asleep on her own, but we've gone back to me staying in the room. I am gradually teaching her to fall asleep without me again. Hope it works x
I used to put Cally in our bed at about 8 and then I'd go to bed about midnight but since the time when I thought I had lost her she now goes in her cot and then into my bed when she wakes for a feed. I thought I had lost her as I went to check on her, and she wasn't on the bed. I went to OH who was playing on his xbox to see if he had her and he didn't. Starting to get hysterical about a kidnapper who had snatched my baby I ran back into our room and switched on the light to find her fast asleep balanced on the pile of clean washing next to the bed I hadn't put away. My nerves can't take that.
We put Dylan up about 9pm. He niggles on and off for about an hour and sleeps through until about 8pm. We join him when we go to bed about 12 ish
Thanks for your replies. Carly - I am also scared of LO falling off the bed. She is already fairly mobile but as I put pillows (flat so no prob with suffocation) on both sides of her she has been ok so far. Keli - I used to stay in bed with LO when she was smaller but then thought that maybe it's better not to get her used to it.

I just really need to get my act together and get LO to sleep (and preferably help her to fall asleep on her own) in her cotbed. It's about a time that it gets some use :D
I put Oliver down in our bed around 8.30 and we go to bed about 10.30 - we have a bed rail on one side of the bed and I put a pillow on the other side of the bed to stop him if he rolls in his sleep. When he's awake he knows not to crawl off the edge, but I still try to get to him quickly if he cries just in case. He feeds to sleep and then I quietly leave, and he's usually fed back to sleep if he wakes too, although occasionally he will put himself to sleep if I lie next to him.. then again I creep out of the room once he's out.

Before he started sleeping in our bed full time I'd put him to sleep in his cot then the first time he woke up after we went to bed I'd just bring him in with us.

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