Beaten up-again!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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My eldest had to b picked up from school today cos he'd been beaten up-again,last time was just before half term (about 6ish weeks ago),last tine he was battered by twin boys from his year who didn't like him standin up for his mate and beat the crap out of him til 2 teachers dragged them off.
Today a year 9 (2 yrs older than my son) and his 'gang' of yr 7's came upto my lad and his mate told him he had to say 'join the gang' then proceeded to kick the crap out of him and ram his face into the mud til he walked off,they then started again til a teacher came. I'm absolutely furious-luckily his grandad picked him up today who just happens to be a retired copper with 35 years experience Inc 6 years been the schools liason officer so had a few words with the staff lol,I'm tempted to go in tomorrow but not sure what to say,the schools attitude is 'boys will be boys' But my concernnis what if it happens out of school? Will they just beat him to a pulp till he's unconscious? Tempted to tell school that we spent the evenin in a&e with concussion (sp) cos the lads had kicked him in the head!
can you report it to the police for assault?

I am very tempted and I think if I don't get answers from school then I will,ry doesn't want me to go into school-looks like a trip to a & e might happen,he's got headache and was a bit dizzy,just stood up and nearly threw up...I'm just keepin an eye on him at the mo x
that is disgusting the attitude of the school why dont they stamp out this behaviour before its too late hope hes ok hun x
Waitin 4 gp to ring me up cos he's sat here cryin cos his head hurts :(
I would report it as assault whether the school do something or not. Could you move him schools?
He's on his way to a&e now,my mums taken him cos kieron won't settle.
Off to police tomorrow.

What makes it worse is that he's not been bullied,it's just a random attack by boys playing a 'game'
Hi Ive just read this and wanted to say how sorry I am for your son, If I were you, I would push the point with school, if they think they can fob you off with 'Boys will be boys' they will, this is sheer bullying, and a violent attack is criminal, sorry to get on my soapbox but I hate bullying of any sort, my son is in year 4 and has been a bit of a target himself, I hope he is ok poor kid xx
i would deffo have words with the school and inform the police. the atitude of the school is far does it have to go before they take action?!?!
Similar thing happened to my friends boy apart from it was a gang of year 6 attacking him (hes the same age) the school did nothing. You need to report it to the police and the school should have reported the attacks to social servises xx
Hope your little man is ok.
I'd report it too and have very strong words with the school.
Oh dear! Hope your son is ok and home safe from hosp xx

I'd report it and have serious words with school.

Thinking of you xx
Omg hope little man is ok.
That's disgusting, have the boys even gotten so much as a detention? If that had happened at the school I went to (which it did, a lot) they would've been expelled! This has got me really mad so I can't imagine how you must be feeling. It's absolutely disgraceful, I'd take it as far as you can with the police and make sure you tell them about the attitude of the teachers too so they can inform the right people and something can be done about them.
Hope he's doing ok ? Maybe the police and school could work together to find a suitable punishment that kind of that cant just be given a brush off attitude , how dare they say boys will be boys !
Hey hon, hows DS today? That vis awful and i'd be up at that school like a shot! x x x
From experience with my little sister (who is in fact still getting bullied to this day) I suggest you take matters into your own hands as the schools these days do jack shit about bullying. You're right, it could be extremely serious one day. We here about tragic bullying stories every day in the News.

Definitely go to the police for assault, that is of course if the School don't do anything.. but if they did do anything anyway, it would just be a 2 week suspension for the bullies and that's that. Not a lot is done about bullying and a lot more needs to be done!

It is assault, and the school can't tell you 'boys will be boys' because that is absurd. Safety of their pupils should be top priority. Also, don't feel like you don't have the right to storm down to that school and tell them exactly what you think and demand something to be done about it, because you have every right to do so. My mum slammed her fist onto the teachers table when they said to her "Your daughter might be making this up to get attention".. they never back-mouthed my mum again, but like I said above, my sister is still getting bullied. xxx
How awful :( How's he doing today? I'd definitely go to the police...I can't believe schools let kids get away with something like that!! If they did that on the streets they'd be arrested so why should it be any different and why aren't the school calling the police themselves?!
He's fine today-I went into school and spoke to the support workers who wasn't very happy that the incident hadn't been brought to their attention. Cut a long story short they took 12 statements today and the older child has been excluded for 2 days. I told them I was goin to report it and they said it was upto me to take what action I felt necessary.
I went to the police station,was given a log number and told a policeman would come out to take a statement this aft-were still waitin!!!
glad he is ok and well done for reporting it, most people are too scared to report and thats when they get cockier and do it even more because they get away with it xxx
Oh, honey :(. Thats absolutely disgusting, i can totally relate to your son as i was bullied at school and physically abused as well so i can totally understand, has he told a teacher he trusts? Or even talked to the head teacher?..

If all else fails id say go to the police and inform the school about it!, if they fail to keep your child safe then you'll have to take it all into your own hands.

I hope he feels better soon :(

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