
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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right are you sitting comfortably, this is a long post.

Kieran is the sort of child that cries a lot. he cant deal with adult confrontation, ie if you said to him why are you doing this or that he would cry. even if you didnt raise your voice. tried talking to him, shouting, nothing helps. the waterworks just pour out.

now today, some boys at school nicked his mobile phone and he started crying. anyway his friend saw what happened and got the head of year, on the way he told my nephews what happened, (big mistake) and because kieran was crying so much they thought that he had been beaten up. they got in trouble as they wouldnt leave him so the head of year could do her job. my nephews have informed me that the boys in question cards are marked (blooming actors :roll:)
Anyway when i picked him up from school he started crying, so i spoke to his head of year and she couldnt understand why he was crying again.

now as this is a regular occurance with kieran with the crying (apart from on the football field) do you think that i should try and get some counselling for him. i mean they must have seen this before with kids that have low confidence. i am worried that now they know he cries like that he will get picked on. then my nephews will steam in and it will escalate from there.

help appreciated.
I'm so sorry I am unable to really offer advice on this.......I'm sure someone better qualified than me will be along to help soon.

I have a younger sister who is very overemotional - but I understand it is different for you as the boys at school will be less sympathetic to Kierans emotion......if he is willing to see someone to have a chat with, I can;t see what harm it could do, and anything that may help build on his self confidence is worth a try - good luck hun :hug:
Ah Davina :hug:

I'm only a new mum, so have very little experience.....

I remember a boy at school who cried all the time, we called him waterworks. I'm sorry to say that's all I remember about him :( He wasn't particularly bullied, though. No worse than anyone else was for their spots, glasses, weight, height etc.

Do you think the tears are linked with confidence or does Kieran just have a lower 'tear threshold'? Like pain, I guess all our benchmarks are individual.

I would hestitate to go ahead with counselling just to pre-empt bullying....hopefully the incidents of late are isolated ones. Maybe you could re-address it if things continue to happen?

I'm sorry I'm not much help, just wanted to sympathise, it must be heartbreaking to see your lad in tears. I know you'll continue to support him like the great mum you are, until he grows up to be the sort of sensitive bloke women love!

And lets face it, even on the footie field, it did Gazza no harm! :wink:

Best of luck :)
it must be something with kierons hun because mine was just the same and it is heartbreaking but i found it was just a faze, but it is a really hard faze and all i can say is stick with it and cry when he is not looking because thats what i used to do and now he is a strapping 15 year old .
hope this helps hun
thanks for that, it's just that he has always had this problem where he will cry for no particular reason and it really is annoying. he is quite a good looking boy (if i do say so myself), quite popular but he just needs to toughen up. if a teacher was to say to him, "why didnt you finish your homework, or you did this part wrong" then he would start crying.

i just dont know what to do. :( i just want to help him
Maybe see if he will open up to one of ur nephews? Or have a nice cuddle and heart to heart with him? Find the root of his problems?
If he has low confidence maybe theres some activities he can get involved with and be praised etc to raise him a little?
Im sorry i have no experience either, but its what i would try doing.
Just dont get upset with him/infront of him. it will make him feel worse for making you feel bad. Just let him know ur there for him no matter what hun, like you are! Lots of cuddles from mummy is always a winner!
I hope you feel better soon and the lil guy opens up to you xxx
It must be hard for both of you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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