BD after M/C * TMI*


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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I had my m/c on 18 th feb and I was nearly 7 weeks. It was a natural m/c and my hcg levels dropped to below 4 and I was discharged. There was nothing on the scan at all just what looked like a lining for a period the woman said. I bled for about a week after the m/c and there was clotting and it was quite heavy.

We decided to use protection until I got my af so I could date my hopeful next bfp. Another 2 weeks later I got my af although it was a lot of brown blood and not as heavy as usual. This af was 4 days late roughly for my usual cycle so thought that was probably an ok sign.

Anyway we are now bd without protection and waiting for my ovulation. Last night after we had done the deed there was a slight pinky colour that my husband wiped away and when I wiped. It was barely there but should I be worried. We have bd before this and all was well. The af finished a good week ago. It is completely gone now but it was there. My hubby thinks it may just have been quite deep. Sorry about the long and detailed description but Im now a little paranoid about everything.
Thanks Mrs Mc I just panic when there is what I think is unexplained blood. Think its just my body getting repaired!
This has actually happened to me, but I've never had a miscarriage before so I know it wasn't down to that. I think my cervix just got a bit irritated, perhaps the same thing for you, no bleeding after that, so nothing to worry about. I'm sorry for your loss and I really hope that you get a bfp soon xxx
Thank you for youe reply! Fx for u too if your ttc!
My period took ages to come back after my mc almost 6 weeks but I think u gotta expect for it to be a bit hit and miss until it settles again as its been through a bad experience.I do hope u get ur bfp soon :) xx

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