first period after m/c


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
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HI everyone
I was just wondering how long it takes after a m/c for you to get your first period. I m/c on december 14th at 11 weeks but am not sure how long it takes things to get back to normal.
I have started ttc again already as I so want to be pregnant again but also not sure how long it takes your body to recover after a m/c.
Hope someone can help
Sarah x
Hi did you m/c naturally?

i had a m/c at 12 weeks but i had a d&c to remove the baby. i had a period 6weeks later.
and i caught pregnant straight after that period.
Im sorry to hear that hun how are you?

dionne said:
Hi did you m/c naturally?

i had a m/c at 12 weeks but i had a d&c to remove the baby. i had a period 6weeks later.
and i caught pregnant straight after that period.

Dionne that sounds like mine too i carried 2 twelve weeks but babys heartbeat stopped at 8 weeks i was due for a d and c and i ended up losing baby naturally but still had d and c as i had a 30cm clot.

I had a period after 4 weeks my normal cycle and then i fell p/g after the 2nd one i m/c'd in the sept, fell pg in the dec and had alfie in the sept
i had my period roughly 4 weeks after my m/c but it does vary hun.

Someone i know didnt have a period for about 10 weeks after her m/c so it really does vary. :hug:
Hi all
Thanks for your help. I went for my scan and baby had stopped growing and no heartbeat so had to go and have a d/c. Its encouraging to hear that hopefully it won't take too long to fall pg again.
Hiya so sorry for your loss :hug: i mc naturally at about 8 weeks and i got my fisrt period around 4 weeks after the mc but the doctor did say to me it can take longer than that to get you period again.
So sorry for your loss, :hug: I had my m/c at 9 wks and had a D&C, had period about 4 wks later, was told to wait until had at least 1 'normal' period before TTC again, took me 8 months.

Good luck
so sorry for your loss :hug: like the girls have said everyone is different, I hope you get your dream come true soon, :hug: lv yvonne xx

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