Question reguardinh first period after m/c (tmi)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Hey I hope you don't mind me asking this and it's not to personal but I am havong my first period since my m/c and I thought I was coming off af wasn't very heavy as it had been or
clotty which it was for the first couple of days.
Well I've been wearing a panty liner today as really wasn't alot tbh and I went to the toliet and when I wiped so sorry to be saying this prob far to much info there was a massive clot?? Now I am confused? I know the lady said it wouldn't be mice the first one and it wasn't to be honest but when I think it's coming to a end and hardy any blood I get a clot come from no where? So if anyone elses af has been like this after a mc that's what I was wondering?? Than you for your time and I am sorry if I have upset anyone x
Sometimes the clot is where the previous blood has came from iykwim? You might have very little now that you've passed it :hug:
Hun I hope you don't mind, I moved this into The MC & Loss Forum :hug:
Hi hon, my first period after my mc was the same - quite stop and start and still quite a lot of clots. The clots coming through can make you stop bleeding for a bit I think cos I tended to stop bleeding for a while before passing some of the bigger clots. Hope ur ok xxx
Oooh I don't want any of that.... God I had better get preganant before it arrives..

Hope you feel better soon Smess XX
Hank you v much girls!! Sorry mamafy I do think after I posted it should of come on here! Thank you x x

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