
Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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i dont know if ive posted this before (baby brain :D ). Joshua is off to ballet school this morning. his class is 11.15 to 11.45. ALready had a few comments that i am "turning him into a poof". It makes me mad when people say things like that.

joshua needs physio on his leg and the doctor said dancing or swimming. so joshua said that he really wants to go ballet lessons. Plus my mum was a great ballet dancer so maybe the gene passed to Joshua. Passed straight through me, i was like a dancing elephant. :rotfl:
oh i bet he will love his lessons. I took my girls to lessons a few years back but the classes stopped and i couldn't find another :(
There were boys and girls at the class too so i wouldn't worry.
Have you watched billy elliot?
i love billy elliott. i have films set around that time period. East is East is another favourite of mine.
plus a bonus of this is that i get one to one time with Joshua without the two other monsters around
yeah that will be nice! Joshua will love it.
Let us know how he gets on :cheer:
okay will do. if i am allowed to take pictures i will do so.
I went to ballet right up until I was 19 (4 years ago) and it was fantastic. Most footballers attend ballet lessons as its excellent for stamina, strength and co-ordination.

It's great Joshua is going, I don't think ballet should be a girls thing. Good on you for taking him, it needs more boys in it. Not all the boys that do ballet are gay, ignore people. It's a cruel world. :x

I will take Rebecca when she is old enough :wink:
thanks for that. tried explaining that to my nephew, whose words were and you all call me a poof for wearing pink (hes 13). i said that if joshua continues ballet then decides he wants to do football then he will be stronger then everyone. but being 13 all he wanted to do was argue about it so i gave up.

my mum went to the Ballet Rambert one in five hundred to get in. i think she was taught by someone called Legate or something like that.

but anyway she said that she will pay half the fees which will be great.
Hubby & I had this conversation the other day that we would both like Jamie to go to gymnastics & dance classes when he's older as they are very good for keeping you fit, learning balance, agility & social skills etc so I don't see what the problem is. Just because a kid goes to ballet doesn't mean they will be gay!!! :roll: (DH hopes!! :lol: )
well we got there and a little girl said that it was a girls class not boys. i explained about joshuas leg and they were fine. they dont usually let you watch only every 2 terms but as it was joshuas first time i got to watch. and it brought tears to my eyes. when they were doing a tipy toe bit joshua was limping but not in pain i think it is just habit. when they were doing the stretching she couldnt believe how supply and flexible joshua is.
aww bless him!

is he looking forward to next week then?
I am going to take Jack to a baby ballet class at our local gym soon
Mentioned it to Oh and expected the "no son of mine" routine but he was fine said it would be good for him to interact etc..

then he said that he doesn't want him doing it when he understands about it :roll:
wtf is that about???
jo said:
I am going to take Jack to a baby ballet class at our local gym soon
Mentioned it to Oh and expected the "no son of mine" routine but he was fine said it would be good for him to interact etc..

then he said that he doesn't want him doing it when he understands about it :roll:
wtf is that about???

Blooming men eh!

Sounds like Joshua had a good time :D
joshua had a great time and the half hour just flew past. My mum cant wait to watch him as she is a qualified ballet teacher even though she doesnt teach it. (couldnt get the cigarette out of her mouth long enough to teach).

we have to get him some ballet shoes for next week as he kept getting bits of rubbish stuck to the soles of his feet. they sell them at the ballet school cheaper but i have to see if they stock the boys black pumps. i am so excited about it all. but i wont get to watch him now until december. i think they must put on a show, thats when i will tape him and post on here.

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