Bad Habits

Alicebabe said:
Its actually creeping me out reading peoples posts about skin picking. I have the same problem but to an unhealthy extent. I am actually a member of an OCD forum that has a thread about it because its a compulsion rather than a habit. I'm not so bad at the moment but my hands have been in a real state in the past :oops:

same here, they are quite bad at the mo too. I have been really bad in the past and used pins and other sharp things to pick at it but have not done that for a wee while now.

My bad habits are having to check that my straighteners/iron/oven is off several times before I go to bed. I drive OH mad as we are usually on the way somewhere and I make him go back to check it. I also fill carrier bags full of stuff and never get round to sorting them out.

God reading this I sound a right one.
beanie said:
same here, they are quite bad at the mo too. I have been really bad in the past and used pins and other sharp things to pick at it but have not done that for a wee while now

Me too. I have an old name badge I use to get at the fiddly bits. I am not so bad now coz of my nursing and its impossible to work in a theatre with this problem!
hayley said:
Sami said:
HayleyB said:
I have an OCD about cleaning the bathroom.... i normally do it once a day!! :oops:

Its the only room i get obsessive about!!

Wanna come do mine, I only do it once a week :lol:


maybe it's something to do with being called Hayley - i'm the same about the bathroom - love cleaning it...

lol!!! :roll:

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