cats and safety gates?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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we FINALLY found a pressure-fit safety-gate for the kitchen, so now i can make cups of tea without closing the door and having a crying millie behind it, whom iv got to wait to get bored of crying and move away before i can open the door for fear of trapping her fingers beneath it- and i will no longer will on leaving the kitchen have to prop the door open enough to let the cat through but put a heavy chair there so millie cannot get in :cheer:

however, the cat hasnt mastered it yet :?

its only 75cm high, he can jump onto MUCH higher surfaces (obviously!)

but we put him in the kitchen, and he just miaows until we open the gate, or else he just sits there on the cold hard floor! :roll: :(

i kno it must be tricky to jump ON to, as its a thin surface it must be like jumping onto a tightrope- but cant cats leap straight over them like a hurdle? if so do they need a lot of running space to do this coz the kitchen isnt that big its only about 3 and a half metres across. and thats not including the units at the back he must only have about 3 metres to run up to it to get out can he do it?

or will we have to get up all the time for him :roll:
we had this problem, so oh bent two of the bars so the cats can get through coz mine wouldnt jump over and the miowing was doing my head in lol xxxx
hehe cats are so silly sometimes. my little one harry did this the other day - he was out in our back garden and went through a gap in the fence to our next door neighbours.. he then forgot how to get back and was standing at the fence miaowing for ages, i kept saying - 'harry cmon, jump over!' it's not a high fence at all, 2 and a half foot maybe :lol:

he was so confused - he even jumped on top of her wheely bin but wouldn't jump from that over the bloody fence :rotfl: in the end my lovely old neighbour netta had to lift him up and pass him to me :rotfl: (and that's why we don't let you out much harry :lol:)
hehe. we have two cats, and because our living room is on the 2nd floor, with the stairs right by the door we have a safety gate there. one of my cats can jump over it fine, the other one just sits and waits for us to let her in!!!
i think he'll get the hang on it , my cat didnt dare go past it for a couple of days but then you couldnt stop her :)
Haha we have three safety gates (to stop our VERY lively Boxer from running riot lol) and at first the cats didn't understand but now they just fly over them! Except when they are feeling silly and try to squeeze through the bars, they look like acrobats and i always think they are going to get stuck lol :wall: :wall:
get a dog, the cat will soon learn to jump over it :rotfl:
I think the average cat can jump 7ft from a standing start :D
So basivally any cat refusing to jump over is being lazy or dense :lol:

(bet I have this problem with ours next year! :roll: :rotfl: )

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