bad cramping...scared

Oh Lynette i know just how you are feeling i miscarried at 14 weeks + and it is hard! all i can advise is to keep your appointment and to rest , mine was painful so take some paracetamol and ibuprofen, mine was unexpected and was kind of like labour i had no bleeding before though. Really you need someone to be with you , i was alone and terrified! emotionally you need some support x I am so sorry x
Hi Lynette, I've just lost previous reply so just in case it shows up or not this is another one...I had ERPC last Sat. It was my first pregnanacy after trying for a while- have PCOS which unfortunately stops me from ovulating. When I got pregnat I didnt even think about the possibility of mc, however I did and had mmc- no signs,pain or bleeding. Went for routine check at 9weeks where I was told no heartbeat and measurements showed it stoped developing at 7weeks so for 2weeks I had no idea,still felt prg very much. After ERPC I was ok, felt ok and was bleeding just a bit. No bleeding on Sun just a pain but started bleeding again on Mon which now turned into period but not heavy1. I still dont know how I feel, sometimes dont know if I want to try again- what if....but really, really want a baby. Need to look forward but it so hard though. My OH is great support but has been working a lot and is sleepwalkig(always does that when hes stressed) so we need to go through this otherwise there r many sleepless nights ahead...Hope u feel better soon and everything is ok tomorrow. Thinking of u x
thanks chilligirl, i have ventured to town and got some pads and a big comfy tshirt so i am relxing now, the cramps are getting worse though i just darent go the loo. cant wait for OH to come home i feel a bit lost
you can use a warm bottle too on your tummy, maybe it will help witht he cramps.
yeah i might go do that, just had to unsubscribe from all my pregnancy emails :-( i would have been 14 weeks saterday
yep i had to do that too...i was feeling so so rubish doing that...i would be near V day soon... :(
yep i had to too, three weeks after the mc I got my NCT pack in the post, oh it killed me! xxx
I am still getting pregnancy reminders! I keep unsubscribing from them but they still send them. I even get one from pampers which I never subscribed too so can't unsubscribe from it! :(

Sorry to hear ur having a rough day lynette, I really hope u can hold out til tomorrow hun :hugs: xx
I hope they don't send you more emails, I was plagued by emails afterwards which was heartbreaking. Hope you are doing ok love.

The hot water bottle helped me loads x
how are you feeling hun? hope its stayed put til tomorrow are you aren't in too much pain xxx
cramping is quite bad nwo but not too much bleeding. Havent had a period since beginning of june so i am dreading this
ok hun, there really shouldnt be that much blood sorry for tmi a lot of clots and u may get jelly like substance, the pains are like waves but your body will get massive relief after , MASSIVE hugs hun i really hope ur ok xxx
Got rushed to hospital with agonizing pains, never ever had cramps like this. In hospital now just waiting to either pass the baby or have my operation. The pain was so severe it took my breath away, nurse said its effectively contractions, I feel so sad as I am in womens hospital and had to go past baby ward :-( this is so awful just waiting
I hope you are already feeling better. Be well soon :hug: :hug:
Oh Hun, I hope everything is ok and they can help u out, thinking of u today :hugs: xx
oh hugs lynette, hope you star to feel better once this passes and that hosp are good with you xxxx
I am so sorry hun, I had a mc at 6 weeks and I was in a lot of pain, its really cruel when you have to be in the hospital and see pg women and babies. Big hugs, hold on there
So so sorry you are going through this Lynette. But I found out today that I also had a MMC. I have my op on Monday.As like you just couldnt stand to pass my baby. Hope your ok. Life can be so cruel sometimes. xxx
Hope you have had your op or passed the sac by now hun. It is so cruel having to go where the babies/pregnant ladies are. I had a similar experience whilst waiting for the medical management to kick in, a lady had come in to be monitored and I could hear a fetal heart monitor for about 2 bloody hours.

Thinking of you x

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