Back to Back Labour......


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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0 it really worse than "normal" presentation?? I have been told today by my MW that LO is currently back to back and Im now a tad scared!!
I got to 7cm dilated with no pain from contractions but definitely had a constant pain in my back, due to Isaac being back to back, but I had some co-codamol and it eased it a lot :D

I was then induced with an oxytocin drip, as I'd been in labour for 3 days, and so no idea how the pain would have felt naturally, but after being induced it was like no pain I ever thought could be possible, it hurt a lot, but naturally I'm sure it wouldn't have been as bad :hug:

Hope your LO turns for your labour :hug:
nathan was back to back and i have to say it was agony. this was my first so i dont have the experience to say whether it was more painful than if he was the other way.
until then try and lay on your side and encourage them to turn before
hope it works :hug:

My baby was back to back and yes it was really painfull, the back pain didnt fade with each contraction. It ws my first baby so i dont have a normal labour to compare, i tried everything to turn my baby but he ended up turning in labour. I found that a hot water bottle strapped to my back, and being on all fours in the bath while my OH oured water over my back with each contraction really helped at the beginning

I managed with gas and air and pethedine though so it was managable ask your midwife for an optimal fetal positioning leaflet, i dont know how far gone you are so you may have time. Hope your LO turns for you but dont be afraid, i was very scared but managed!
Chloe was back to back during labour, she didnt turn until just before she was born, I also managed with gas and air but was also on a drip as my contractions wernt dilating me so the last part was very painful.
I had a back to back baby but wasnt feeling back pain, it was in my lower bump :think:

he did turn eventually during the labour. like the others said it was very painful but but i have nothing to compare it to
oh god i dont mean to scare u but my 1st birth was back to back and i was in labour for 3 days. i was dialatin 1cm evry 8-9 hours and things werent progressing. they took me up 4 an epidural without me even asking for 1 because i couldnt handle the pain anymore. i was on gas and air and pethadine for 2 days. eventually he got stuck and i was rushed into theatre for forceps. :(
I was induced monday and gave birth wed evening and LO was back to back I had excruating back pain and could barely move.

But I'm proud to say I coped with just Gas and Air and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.


As some people have said above, my baby was back to back and labour was very very painful - all in my lower spine - but the tens and water from the pool (and getting someone to pour water over my lower back from a jug) was really helpful - I hardly got any tummy pain at all.

It was very very sore but as she was my first baby, I have nothing to compare it to. I did manage a natural home water birth though - with no pain relief, so it can't have been that bad. Please don't panic - my baby hadn't been back to back until I went into labour, so your baby can turn at anytime and anything can happen during labour - use your free time now to get some sleep!

I hope this helps


Valentine xxx
Ruby was back to back..I was induced 11 days late...I didnt progress past 3cm even on the drip for 9 hours. I was so lucky as I didnt need any pain relief, I spent all my time on my feet, moving about and rocking my hips, did have back ache but nothing I couldnt cope with. Both me and OH were very surprised as I am such a nancy usually and cant cope with pain, and I was TERRIFIED of the pain before hand

I ened up with a c section on day 12, as they were concerned baby would get distressed as I was contracting but not pushing baby down :(
Lennon was back to back and he NEVER turned at all - the pain was the worst I have ever experienced in my life, it was excruiating and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy it was that bad!!

I went 11 days overdue and had to have a section after failed forceps and an hour of pushing - takes the piss :roll:
Charlie was bacl to back and I spent every evening on the gym ball trying to turn him but he was a stubborn little one!!! I had really bad back pain and had a dose of pethidine in labour (was in labour for 20 hours mostly with gas and air) and it slowed everything down so ended up being put on the drip which is when everything just went out of control, Charlie turned whilst coming out and got his head stuck so ended up with an emergency C-Section which was such a relief!!!!
Go with the flow, try and turn little one before the labour if possible and relax

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