Back Labour

Isaac was back to back and I laboured with it fine until I had the drip. Up until the drip I just felt everything in my back, and it was difficult getting comfortable as to sit, lay, stand you kind of use your back :lol: It meant there weren't breaks inbetween contractions from discomfort, which isn't great. I would advise co-codamol, a Godsend for labour back pain, they really take the edge off and help. I had a very long labour, but only the final part after having intervention was very uncomfortable, well, bloody painful, but babies can and do change throughout labour too, so even if she stays b2b now, she could very well move as your labour starts :D Isaac ended up sideways and was never going to come out like that which is why it went to assisted birth, but they generally twist their way out anyways so even then there's still time for baby to get into the best position :) Like has been said, being your first labour you don't have anything to compare so just focus on your body and baby doing whatever they have to to do a very natural thing and bring your baby into the world to meet you. Very best wishes, I do hope she turns soon so you can stop it praying on your mind :hug:
having nothing to compare it too i cant say if it's different but ellie was back to back and all of my contractions where in my back i didnt have any in my tummy.

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