Back on track


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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:witch: arrived on saturday - finally after a massive 50 days!!!! and lots of obsessing over symptoms and hoping to be pregnant. Am actually happy that it has finally come because after a negative blood test on day 40 I was getting worried that my body was totally messed up!
Hopefully this month my body will assume a natural and hopefully regular cycle and we can start TTC properly.
Think I am going to use ovualtion sticks to maximise chances, any other hints/tips??
good luck with this month lovely what a waiting game you had
i have found the opk really good all the best xx
Don't our bodies do crazy things! I am on day 36 of my cycle! Really long for me and not sure what to make of it!!! Have tried testing but came back neg! Just want AF to come so I can get on with next month!!!

Hope things go well for you next month frankie! OPK's can be great at helping you pinpoint the best times in the month but try and relax and things will happen! Don't let the OPK's rule when you get jiggy!!!

Good luck! Let us know how you get on!

Thanks debsladybird, hubby works away during week so quite keen on knowing when ovulating so that we can try our best to :bd: at the right time! especially as I am going away for 3 months at the start of April :sad:
Hi Frankie

Good news about your AF. You could try CM charting as well as CP charting also as this will give you an indication of OV. Just try and :bd: every other day and hopefully nature will take its course and you'll get your :bfp: this month

Hi Frankie, I had to wait 50 loooong days for my AF to arrive after I came off the pill! I did 3 pregnancy tests and then refused to do any more until she arrived! lol

I'm not coming to the end of my 1st cycle! Woo hoo!

Good luck & Baby dust!

Claire xx
Hey Franki sorry Just caught up with your post....sorry af got you but at least you know where you are in your cycle and can get down to some serious BDing now ehh.....good luck Mrs xxxxx
tips to get pregnant

Legs in the air.
Doggy style or missionary :) and take folic acid suppliments
Thanks everyone for all the messages and good luck to all of us for this month :)

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