Anovulation and natural remedies


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi all,

I've been reading about anovulation as it seems that I haven't ovulated this month. I'm on day 19 of my cycle and been testing with ovualtion sticks for 1 week but no positive yet.

Hopefully this is just a blip and not usual for me, I will start charting to find out more. Though I am anxious because attempts at charting earlier in the year might suggest otherwise.

Has anybody tried natural remedies to help with ovulation? I've read about a few in various articles..
hi bagpuss just a thought hun if its day 19 and u have only been using ovulation sticks for a week is it possible that u missed ovulation? i ovulate anywhere from day 9 to day 12 never any later than day 12 a lot of women ovulate early or late in their cycle not always in the middle maybe next month start using the sticks around day 9/10 and see what happens thats if you dont get a bfp before hand.
whatever happens if you bd every other day u should always have fishies there ready when u do ovulate.
good luck hun hope you get your bfp soon xxxxxxxxx
Hi Rach,

It's true that is a possibility but I haven't had much CM this month either,. I hope it is a case of me having missed it as opposed to the alternative.

I'm feeling really low about it all this month, at least when I start charting next month I'll have a better idea.
Hi Bagpuss

When I first started to test with the ovulation sticks, I didn't detect anything and I too was worried that I wasn't ovulating. It was only after a couple of months that I detected a surge and it was on day 18. My cycle is usually 33 days.

I have been ttc for 14 months and had no luck, so I am having my blood tested at the doctors. I have had my 5 day test, just waiting to have my 21 day test. The results should let me know if I am ovulating as I have been told that ovulation sticks detect your LH surge but don't neccesarily tell you if you are ovulating.

Try not to feel too down about things, our time will come. The frustrating thing is not having any control over when!!

Sending baby dust xxxx
Hi Lindsay,

Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I've read about the kits that they don't tell you whether you've actually ovulated, charting can tell us this though. I'd settled for an LH surge at the mo.

I know in the past I've had the CM that's described, this was when I wasn't TTC - typical.

Do they just take your blood for the 21 day test then? I hope you get the results you want. I've been reading about natural remedies for fertility - I'm going to have a go with one of those as well.

Good Luck and keep us posted.

Fingers crossed for us all who are TTC
I'm the same as Rach. I ovulate early. I start testing about day 8 so i know i'll get at least 1 negative before i get a positive. That way i know i haven't missed it or detected it late on. I usually get a positive around day 9 to 11...

Try the medicine and see if it helps to thn down your mucus. That way you'll see more of it and put your min to rest.

Rach - it seems so weird seeing your new ticker... I am really happy for you! How do you feel today about your BFP....
i know hayley it feels really strange but i think changing my ticker has helped loads believe it or not cos every time i see it i smile and think ooh its the size of a grape already :D am still a bit stressed about everything plus o/h been here today asking me to come back and if id had af yet etc i said no to going back to him and told him test was negative i need to get my own head around things first dont want him to know until he has to (for instance when im showing) i know that sounds bad but im not strong enough yet to deal with him.
good luck this month hayley and all the other girlies ttc xxxxxx
Hi Rach

I'm glad you can smile about your pregnancy now. Have you really thought about how your gonna tel your OH? Do you honestly hand on heart not want him back because this could be a fresh start for the both of you. I remember you saying if you'd have concentrated on your relationship instead of trying to concieve you might still be together now. I don't know why you split.. maybe your hurting still and this is your way of protecting yourself from becoming hurt... if you really don't want him back then i'd keep the pregnancy from him for a little while till you get your head around it! I don't think i'd keep it from him for long thou. I'd tell him around the 10 to 12 weeks stage. You might need someone with you when you got for your first scan (to hold your hand - without the attachment) You didn't make this baby on your own... you don't have to go throu it alone... even if you don't want him back let him take on some of the pressures. But that's my opinion and only you know what is right for you, your bump and you son... good luck with what ever you decide.

hayley ive been thinking all night about what you said and i really dont know what to do now :( i keep thinking i want to tell him but im not sure i want him back im so confused one minute i want him back and then the next i dont why is everything so hard :?:
well thats it i phoned him and asked him to come up and i told him, he took it quite well actually ive had no harrassment off him and we actually talked sensibly most of the night and he went home about 4:30. he understands just because im pregnant ive not changed my mind and i do not want him back but hopefully hes going to support me through the pregnancy and help out whenever i need him to am now wondering how long this will last :lol:
anyway top and bottom of this is i feel much less stressed and happier about everything now ive told him which can only be good for my baby
:D :D :D :D
Hi Rach

Good... i really think you've done the right thing. Maybe the space apart will make you realise what you want. If you want him then don't be scared to give it another go but if you don't at least you know you have his support. I'm really glad it all turned out okay. I bet you was a nervous wreck when you was telling him.

Have you had any symptoms? I've got the 2 weeks wait now! DH wasn't in the mood for much BD this weekend so we only got to BD on Fri afternoon... i know it only take once to get pregnant but the more often you BD over your fertile time the better chances you have.... I surpose it's like the lottery... the more lucky dips you put on the more chances you have of winning but then only one ticket wins.

hi hayley have had af cramps since ovulation been a bit constipated and headaches but think thats more stress than anything else o/h actually left during ovulation time and we only bd twice so you never know hun
was really nervous but it all worked out in the end so will just give it time now and see what happens hope you get your bfp this month xxx
so do I (hope I get BFP) i can join you in the June group. Are you alone in there? Don't worry it'l fill up soon....

:( yes hunny im all alone in the june group :(
cmon girlies tons and tons of baby dust to everyone
Hurrah, I finally got a positive result on my ovulation stick today on day 21 of my cycle!!! I almost gave up using them this month but thought I might as well give it another go. Yesterday there was a faint test line which was much stronger than I'd seen it previously. Then this morning there was a positive result.

Still not much CM compared to normal but I'm taking my cough medicine to help things along.
thats great news hun hope that eases your mind a bit now have fun bd
i hope you get a nice bfp this month xxxxxxx

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