Back from scan..


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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I had another scan this morning. baby's looking good, he's doubled in size in a week! The sonographer saw a hematoma though which is worrying me a bit. She said it was a slight area on the uterus and that it would most likely fade and get re-absorbed into my body. But silly me googled it when I got home, now i'm just seeing horror stories of women who have gushed with blood and had stillbirths :cry: No more google for me, that's for sure. I'm off work for a couple more weeks to see if it hopefully calms down. With all these things that could happen it's a miracle anyone is ever born really!
Glad to hear everything went well with ur scan. I'm sure if they were really worried about the hematoma they would have said more to u. Just try and relax xx
Google is the devil's spawn during pregnancy hunny, stay away from it. If the sonographer was worried, and I am sure she has seen it a thousand times, then she would have referred you to your midwife. If you are worried about it give your mw or gp a ring and I bet they will tell you the same as she did.

Sounds like LO is doing brilliantly so concentrate on that and treat yourself to something nice for being a great mummy :) xxxxxxxxx
Glad baby's growing so nicely! :yay: Was it just a little dark patch on the scan you saw, outside the sac? If it was I had one with Sam - just a little pocket of blood and she pointed it out so that I wouldn't worry if I had a bit of bleeding but I never did so I guess it must just have been reabsorbed. Hope everything's ok - googling is never a good idea! :hug:
Hi hun i had a haematoma with this pregnancy and my last, both were absorbed by 12 weeks and absolutely fine so dont worry about them as they are quite common x
Fab news that little one is doing great. As the others have said I'm sure she would of referred you to the MW or docs if it was serious. Just rest lots and look forward to your next scan xx
Thanks everyone. Logically I know she would have referred me to someone else if she was concerned, but this pregnancy is making me demented and worry about every tiny thing!
She pointed out a 'shadow' on the uterus but to be honest I couldn't make out a thing. That, and the fact i've not had major heavy bleeds, is what i'm holding on to. And of course the fact that my little one is looking big and cosy in there!
try not to worry hun, im sure the sonographer would have told you if there was anything huge to worry about.

google is not the best thing, i googled some very common and vauge syptoms once and it told me my somethingorother had perforated. needless to say, that didnt happen.
things can go wrong, but they can also go so wonderfully right!!!
its good that you are able to have a rest for a couple of weeks
Hi hun, so happy to hear your LO is doing so well, growing like a trooper! Try not to worry and defo stay away from google! xxxx
try not to worry hun, im sure the sonographer would have told you if there was anything huge to worry about.

google is not the best thing, i googled some very common and vauge syptoms once and it told me my somethingorother had perforated. needless to say, that didnt happen.
things can go wrong, but they can also go so wonderfully right!!!
its good that you are able to have a rest for a couple of weeks

Your somethingorother! That made me laugh!
ahh really glad your bubs is fine hun :) huge relief i bet :) relax now and pamper yourself for a while, you deserve it with all this worry xx

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