Baby's bedroom/ nursery


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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I was just wondering what theme if any people have chosen for their LO room.

I have decided to go with a Jungle/zoo animal theme

I already had it painted pale green when we had to redecorate (subsidence, long story lol)

I have curtains and a few pics to put up, i also got a blind of Ebay but guessed meauserment :doh: too small He has a jungle mobile as well

Pics would be lovely if anyone has any to show( i don't yet!!)
we have decided on while with fairies (which are pink and purple)

i will post pics when its done :dance:
I need to take pics of my nursery soon, these are the only ones I have from when OH was decorating it


I have red car bedding and toys and car string lights etc.

It's a bit of a mess at the moment but I'll take a pic soon!
Urchin that is lovely, I need to get a border as well but all the ones i ahve seen are either too grown up or really babyish, i want it to last him a while if you know what i mean
We are going to paint the nursery lemon and cream and have gone with the Zeddy and Rhubard range from Mamas and Papas. In the process of getting the room ready for painting in the next couple of weeks, took 8 binbags of crap to the tip yesterday!!
mine is yellow and blue with a winnie the pooh theme, had 2 go neutral as we man will eventually b sharing with chloe, would have loved 2 have done princess theme 4 ma wee princess tho!!!
jo said:
Urchin that is lovely, I need to get a border as well but all the ones i ahve seen are either too grown up or really babyish, i want it to last him a while if you know what i mean

Yeah that's why we decided on the transport theme, every little boy loves diggers and stuff so it should last a long time :)
Mine doesn't have a theme, apart from the border is M&P Millie & Boris. Nothing matches, it's just stuff I liked so bought

My theme was just colours, colours, colours!!! We didn't want to know the sex of baby so didn't have that to go on. I got totally carried away lol. As I had loads of leftover paint from other rooms I decided to just use them all and I asked others for their leftovers too. Was really boring and hard work as I was 24 weeks preggers and OH never offered a hand :evil: It does send you a bit dizzy if you see it for the first time. Reece loves it though :D


No doubt when we move his next room will be blue :roll:
We painted ours cream and beige as we weren't going to know the sex but he showed his winky one 21 week scan and we didn't bother decorating it again, he's still in our room anyway :lol:
Kim said:
Mine doesn't have a theme, apart from the border is M&P Millie & Boris. Nothing matches, it's just stuff I liked so bought

hi kim where did you get your cot from? does it turn into a bed? im sure its the one ive got lol

Kiaras is two shaedes of purple and its whinnie the pooh themed
I will post pics tom
matthew had a humphreys corner themed nursery at our old house, i loved it but since moving we are going to do him a big boy room and he is having a rocket theme using all the stuff from next and we have go some glow in the dark stars to put on the ceiling will post pics once we've done it, I have the stuff not the time!!!
Hearts I love the colou of yours, those stripes are so good.

We went for a neautral theme as we didn't want to know the sex.

Had the linear zoo range from mommas and pappas.





i just got a lovely Zebra height chart through the post

Beware of them Glow stickers i bought some for Emily a couple of years ago and they kept dropping off and never glowed properly
Sophie's is pink princess and new baby's room is winnie the pooh from babiesrus.

Wasnt brave enough to do babies room blue just incase :rotfl:
Jacks curtains

Height chart

Cot, please excuse the mess at the side of it, i swear Emily still thims it is her room sometimes!!!!
It looks really cute hon :cheer: Ella's is just lemon with sparkly butterfly lights from Next on one wall, not very artistic :lol:
Carlottes room has a jungle theme. You can get a lot of stuff from Mothercare, its called baby jungle. Although it works out quite expensive.

If you have a local focus they do two different types of jungle theme borders, which are really nice.

Will dig out some pictures for you to see.
I have the baby Jungle cahnging mat from mothercare and the thermometor, It's only this past couple of weeks i have decided on a definate theme!!

hwo organised am i? :rotfl:

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