baby names


Active Member
Apr 1, 2008
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I know it's kind of early, but I'm a planner :) What names were you thinking of for your baby, or what names do you like in general. We have decided to call our baby girl Sophia, but are stuck for a middle name.
I like Riley for a boy :D

Sophias a very pretty girls name i like that a lot
My 8 year old neice is called Sophia :)

We're going for;
Rome & Jaida
for our girls due in September :)

Still stuck for middle names though. We hope to find something individual for the girls
:wave: We have two girls names so far: Hanna and Darya.. Need to find nice one for a boy as I think we will be in the blue team :hug:
Aw there so cute ;) Me and OH really like Finnely if we have a boy hes going to be called Finnely James :D not too sure on girls yet but we hope to find the sex out in 17 days :pray: x
We're having Poppy May or Lilly Grace for a girl and Jack Daniel :rotfl: for a boy
jessir79 said:
I know it's kind of early, but I'm a planner :) What names were you thinking of for your baby, or what names do you like in general. We have decided to call our baby girl Sophia, but are stuck for a middle name.

sophia rose goes nicely together as does sophia louise or sophia anne :D

sophia is a good name. Well done for choosing that :dance:
I love the name sophia but my niece is sophie so thats out!

For a girl i like: Ella May, Ellie May, Amelie and my OH likes ava and lilly, I also like aimee but my friend is having that.

Boys names are posing a problem.. all we have that we kind of agree on is liam and charlie.

Its so hard...i spend ages looking at the names book.

Claire x
Agreed on 'Farooq Uthman' .....although I want to give him a middle name but hubby doesn't see the point :shakehead:

If we were going to use 'western names' I quite like Jayla for a girl and Michael for a boy :lol:
Sophia is of my relations (on my OH side) is called Sophia :cheer:
You all have some very good ideas. I really like alot of the names mentioned. Btw, I love Sophia Rose, but unfortunately, according to my mother there is a curse in our family on the name Rose. My fiance's mom's middle name is Roma, and we've been considering that. We've also been considering Juliet, just because we both like it. And I must say, Lea M, Lucy and Lola are so cute together! Both your daughters would have adorable, almost matching names :)
Aww thankyou!! :D I did think that myself!!
Roma is a beautiful name! Me and Oh went to Rome last year and (as they call it Roma) we said it would be lovely as a girls name! Then on the plane, there was a lovely little girl called Roma! It is still one of the names we are thinking of! Though at the min Lola is wining!! :D
Oh I love Lola too. But OH doesn't. I also like Sadie but he thinks it sounds like sadist. I like Felix or Faisal for a boy but he hates those as well. He is being a bit of a poohead. In fact we don't agree on anything at all!! I'm glad we've been talking about it since day 1, I can see it's going to take a while! :wall: And I love Kitty but it won't go with the surname. It's really difficult when you're a teacher like me because you find a name you like then you remember you taught a terror with the same name and you go off it immediately!! :lol:
Hee hee aww I hope you find a name you both love soon!! Me and OH were like that with Lucy! I wanted Bryony or Angel and he wanted Lucy! He won lol
Lat night we decided on our baby's middle name

for a girl Eira which is Welsh for Snow, and as they are going to be a christmas baby we thought it was a good choice

and for a boy Gethin, again we wanted a Welsh middle name as we're both Welsh. We have decided on a easier pronounced first name for all our English speaking family and friends as we don't want them all struggling to pronounce the baby's name.

I like Jess for a girl as a first name and Ollie for a boy

So it looks like is we have a girl she'll be (Jess)ica Eira Rock and a boy Ollie Gethin Rock
I THINK we are calling our little girl Ruby Emily.

my friend has a daughter called Sophia Leigh - i think it sounds lovely!! :D
I have a list of girls and boys names I like but hubby has vetoed them all!
For a girl I like Leah, Lily, Ellie and Mia
and for a boy, Luke, Will and Jacob (Jake)

Since we cant agree on first names we're definitely not going for middle names!

Good job we're noy having twins as it would be Luke and Leah, lol!
We have a definite girls name - Daisy Jessica. Daisy after my nan and because DH wasn't keen, he was allowed to choose the middle name (which I'm not keen on but it was the only way to get my choice of first name!)

And for a boy - hmmmm, we are still stuck. I really LOVE the name Ted/Teddy but DH doesn't like it because our surname is Baker! I'm still hoping to talk him round coz I love it so much but the other two names on the list are Finlay and Milo. Middle names will be Christopher George (family names)
It's a bit of a sore subject in our house at the moment. We had decided on a boys name Evan but we had our scan and it's a girl.... so back to square one.

I love Violet but OH hates it and as far as I'm concerned theres nothing that comes close. OH likes Hanna but I don't lOVE it and I want something I love!!

Everything I come up with he just shrugs at but comes up with no suggestions himself :wall: Men!! :roll:

Anyway... some thoughts I've had...


so far our shortlist is VERY long :lol:

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