Baby names? Whats yours?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I thought id start a bit of a post and see how many ladies have already thought about names. Me being me I thought of names before I fell pregnant. You know, ahead planning lol.

Mine are Bella and Harley :)

Any one else thought of some names?

We are realy stuggling to come up with names as we have to find ones that fit into both languages (english and turkish)

I love the name ella which works in both for a girl
and we think maybe alex shortened to ali for a boy. Im sure I will change my mind lots yet though.

I always wanted a little girl named bella until some friends of mine got an ugly pug dog and named her bella :( still love it though :D I love both harley and harvey too ..
Im sneaking in from tri 3! We're calling him Sebastian Alexander. He would of been Rory/Rorie Alivia if he'd been a girl x
My little man's gonna be called Charley Edward :D Never had a girl name for him as we've only just picked this name!
We love Albert - Alby for short for a boy or Connie for a girl:dance:
I love old fashioned names
We also like Henry and Lola
I have been writing names down that I like for years!!!
i havent a clue me and dh clash when it comes to picking names if i like it he hates it my youngest is called tristan hated it when dh suggested the name and before i knew it it had grown on my and i suggested it weeks later and he said you said no to that lol oh well this 1 could potentially end up nameless
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Amanda, have you nearly let slip to OH yet about what your having?!!
We are having Samuel George, if hed been a little girl it would have been morgan or charlie xxx
For a girl i like Sophie and Lily and we are struggling with boy names.
I have this feeling and so does my OH and my mum that im going to have a girl, maybe thats why i cant think of boys names lol x
this is hard one for us, we really struggled with our last 2 children, they have all been named from the tele though,
1st callum from hockey on tv when i was pregnant
2nd keeley from childrens ward years ago
3rd declan cause hubby is ant
4th amelia from film princess diaries
5th duncan from pj and duncan (ant n dec I know)

there is only one name that i have loved for years i'll try it and see what comes into your heads


no boys names
Oooh lovely names girls, Blimey all named from the tely Mum of many! I do agree Declan is quite yummy and so well named!! Have you thought about Dermot from the O'leary? just as yummy

I am having a boy called Devon Rory, and if the gender is wrong, then Lyra Dael , Although hubby was not sure, of the girls name but hey I always choose! , I also have a Rhys Daniel, and toby Robin, (robyn was our girls choice!), and Briony Leigh as our only daughter, (her boys name was Devon, so it stuck and 8.5 years on, we are having a Devon!)
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We like harry or Jack for a boy with Stephen as his middle name after my OH.

We're finding it difficult to agree with a girls name (good job we have plenty of time!).

I love Phoebe & Sienna and he loves Hannah & Abigail. I do like Hannah too so thats what we're going with at the moment! lol

Oh middle name Claire for a girl after me :)

p.s I childmind a Harley and he's beautiful! And my nephew is Harvey who is also beautiful! :)

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I thought we would struggle with boys names, but the one that we both love is Jaxon for a boy - it also goes well with our surname.

Cant agree on any girls ones - heres hoping its a boy, lol!
Lovely names girlies. My OH wanted Martin as a first name for a boy lol. I cannot stand that name. Its his dads name and I just do not think thats a baby name. So I comprimised and said can we have it as a middle name and pick my first name. After all, baby gets his last name too.
My oh loved the name Bella for ages so we didnt have to decide on that!

Im a bit gutted that we wont be married first before having a baby, now im pregnant I wouldnt want to quick put a wedding in before baby due cause it doesnt seem right.

We told OH's Parents when we found out and straight away his Mum went on about us getting married before bubba is born! She's religious but we're not. Although we would like to get married one day we don't want to do it just because we're pregnant.

we already decided before i got pregnant as weve argued so much over it!!! My oh is very welsh and very patriotic and wanted welsh names. We finally found 2 we both like - Mali for a girl and Tristan for a boy x
For a girl Emily-Rose and a boy Lewis alfie. I'm named after my granny and her sisters name was Emily. I especially like Lewis because it's Scottish :) Alfie would be the middle name because it's my dads name.
we already decided before i got pregnant as weve argued so much over it!!! My oh is very welsh and very patriotic and wanted welsh names. We finally found 2 we both like - Mali for a girl and Tristan for a boy x

same as my dh tristan is a very good name :) i am biased though haha
my dh wants rhian for a girl we had it if tristan would of been a girl and i liked it then but have gone off it a bit now lol we are going to have trouble on this 1
Although I'm not preg yet (least I don't know if I am yet LOL) my DH and I already kinda know what we want. I *love* the name Grace for a girl or Ella or even Scarlett. I also like Isabelle - both DH and I like it and we like Elizabeth for a middle name as it's my middle name.

Boys names seem much harder, but I personally love the name Presley - DH hates it! We both like Jacob though. No idea at all what we will actually pick yet though!

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