I know we're all only in our 1st but I was wondering how many of you have already picked out baby names for your beans and how you choose them?? We've had our names for over two and half years now!!!
We have had our girls name picked out since we'd only been together 6 months. We were on our first holiday together in Thassos (Greece) in May time and there was a field full of poppy's and it looked so beautiful and we said that Poppy is such a cute name for a little girl that we decided there and then that when (not if) we had babies if we had a girl we would call her Poppy May.
A boys name was harder for us..... i wanted to have something of my dad's name in there but my dad's name is Alan Jefferey, which none of us like. In the end we both liked Alfie so we're going for Alfie Jack for a boy. Even though it's not my dad's name the baby and my dad will both have AJH as their initals so it's kind of related.
I think that even though we've had the names chosen for years I'm still going to make another shortlist so that if it comes out and those names don't fit we have got backup.
Anyone else already chosen their bean names???

We have had our girls name picked out since we'd only been together 6 months. We were on our first holiday together in Thassos (Greece) in May time and there was a field full of poppy's and it looked so beautiful and we said that Poppy is such a cute name for a little girl that we decided there and then that when (not if) we had babies if we had a girl we would call her Poppy May.
A boys name was harder for us..... i wanted to have something of my dad's name in there but my dad's name is Alan Jefferey, which none of us like. In the end we both liked Alfie so we're going for Alfie Jack for a boy. Even though it's not my dad's name the baby and my dad will both have AJH as their initals so it's kind of related.
I think that even though we've had the names chosen for years I'm still going to make another shortlist so that if it comes out and those names don't fit we have got backup.
Anyone else already chosen their bean names???