Baby names


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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I know we're all only in our 1st but I was wondering how many of you have already picked out baby names for your beans and how you choose them?? We've had our names for over two and half years now!!! :rotfl:

We have had our girls name picked out since we'd only been together 6 months. We were on our first holiday together in Thassos (Greece) in May time and there was a field full of poppy's and it looked so beautiful and we said that Poppy is such a cute name for a little girl that we decided there and then that when (not if) we had babies if we had a girl we would call her Poppy May.

A boys name was harder for us..... i wanted to have something of my dad's name in there but my dad's name is Alan Jefferey, which none of us like. In the end we both liked Alfie so we're going for Alfie Jack for a boy. Even though it's not my dad's name the baby and my dad will both have AJH as their initals so it's kind of related.

I think that even though we've had the names chosen for years I'm still going to make another shortlist so that if it comes out and those names don't fit we have got backup.

Anyone else already chosen their bean names???
I really like Jack for a boy, but it is SOOO common so I am not sure I will go for it. I also like James, and Samuel. Really struggling for boys names.

For my girl's name, it's between Olivia, Victoria and Lauren
Love your choice of names Chrissy.

No idea yet on names. Boys names are harder to choose I think.
We have touched on the subject but I leave this to the husband he seems to have the nack for choosing names that are right and go with our surname! (I must admit he runs them past me but never said no to any of the choices when we expecting our son) :D

We always choose a first name and one middle name... we choose for both girl and boy as we never wanted to know the sex.. we like the suprise! :o

I think its increasingly difficult in this day and age to pick names for both girls and boys... but go with what you feel comfortable with :D

Well thats my pennies worth more like a pound but hey!

Take care all
Poppy & Alfie Jack are ssoooo cute! I love Ava Rose for a girl. Not sure about boys names yet - find them so much harder!
when i found out i was pg with alice, she was alice from day one... but ive not had any definate ideas about this one yet (ok, i found out today! need a bit of time to think).

I like traditional names, but not old fashioned, if you know what i mean.

Ive NO idea about boys names though?
Seren Nia for a girl which is Welsh. Seren means Star and Nia means Bright.

Richard William for a boy after daddy and grandad and greatgrandad and...well you get the picture!!

P.S. being a teacher i could probably tell you a few names to avoid :wink:
Ooooh... like this thread. I had an idea of girls' names before I even got PG :oops:

For a girl, we like Mia and for a boy, we like Leo. I also love Eliot but DH hates it... :(

What does everyone think of those names? Honestly.
All your name choices are lovely. Especially love Mia :D

If we have a girl, I like Freya. I haven't got a clue for a boy! Choosing one last time was hard enough!!

Is everyone going to find out the sex at their 20 week scan?? I want to again but DH is not sure this time.
We both want to find out the sex of the baby. Is 20 weeks the earliest you can find out? DH is convinced the doc said we could find out @ 12 week scan... seems a bit early...
Im not even pregnant but we have our names sorted already.

Isabel/Isobel for a girl (not sure which spelling we like best yet)
and Luca for a boy. :)

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