Baby Movements sore??


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi everyone, jus to see if anyone is experiencing or has experienced something similar!! I am now 32 weeks and I know that the baby doesnt kick as much now but moves about more when mine moves it is sore like a tightening - It has been quite bad all day and I know its when it moves as I am just out of the bath and could see my stomach going in so many shapes. Also all nite I have been having a sore lower stomach and think I may be constipated cause when I do get (not alot) before I go it is sore and I have a feeling I really need to go to the loo also I ate a whole packet of chocolate covered raisins and nuts today so that probably hasnt helped my situation xx
i had this feeling on the weekend. I said to my OH how tight my stomach was feeling.. But then its been fine since.. Think its just baby running out of space x
my tummy is very sore as its not much room in there now so when he moves bigger movements its really painful.. also (TMI) sometimes when my tummy is really sore its trapped wind ;) but i dont realise that until its all out and i feel better again :love:
It's strange you've put this as last night his movements were so painful! He kept waking me up!

Also he likes to wriggle when I'm walking and it feels like he's going to split my skin! It's so painful!
my insides and ribs are getting a complete battering. There is no room for my stomach either so if I eat too much then I am sick.
my insides and ribs are getting a complete battering. There is no room for my stomach either so if I eat too much then I am sick.

oh no!! not nice.. ive had a pretty easiesh pregnancy.. i think compared to alot of girls out there.. no morning sickness at all.. just now towards the end ive had problems with my pelvis.. i hate been sick so fingers cross it doesnt start now x
my insides and ribs are getting a complete battering. There is no room for my stomach either so if I eat too much then I am sick.

oh no!! not nice.. ive had a pretty easiesh pregnancy.. i think compared to alot of girls out there.. no morning sickness at all.. just now towards the end ive had problems with my pelvis.. i hate been sick so fingers cross it doesnt start now x

tbh i've had such an easy pregnancy too I can't really grumble. I think my problem is that my eyes are seriously bigger than my stomach :lol:

I need to get into the mindset of eating little and often
I have been getting a lot of discomfort during work when i am sat upright feel baby move but always tound my right rib its horrid x
My baby does some awkward moves too now and sometimes just end up saying oww lol not long to go now girls....last stretch!!xxxxx
Hi everyone, I am fine today no tightenings at all, too be honest I think I had braxton Hicks last night!! Also today I have a tingling, crampy feelings in my lower stomach nearly at my biniki line like a stretching sensation!!

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