Measuring Small!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Just got back from my 31 week MW appointment and a bit worried now!

Last visit I was obviously 28 weeks and measuring 29cm, this week Im 31 weeks and measuring 28cm????

She says to look at me she would say everything was exactly as it should be, but they obviously have to measure properly which has thrown a spanner in the works.......she thinks that because Im taller than average (5 foot 11), it might be why the medical figures dont quite work for me!

Anyhow have to go back next week, and if he is still measuring small then I will be sent for a growth scan!

Anyone else been in this position...?? Im sure it will be ok and maybe just the way he is lying (forever the optimist)!!
For weeks I kept getting told I was measuring small for my dates and I was worried because I had to go to the hospital every other week for scans. Everything was fine though when he was born he weighed more than they thought he would and i had worried for no reason.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It's nothing to worry about so don't get too worried. I was the same. Up to 40 weeks i measured 35cm. They think it was down to my height. I went for 2 growth scans. Both predicted a 6lb baby! I have an 8lb 3oz lanky thing!
i've had to go for 2 extra scans over the last month cus i measure small, all was fine at both, had last one on friday, baby estimated to be 6 pound 11 so not small, i've always been really skinny and have a long body so think baby is moving up not out iykwim
Is there any chance baby could have changed positions between 28 and 31 weeks. My bump was definitely more compact once she decided to stop being breech or transverse. I think the 1cm per week rule is based on cephalic babies.
Aww hun, I am 34 weeks and measure 31. My midwife wasn't worried about it at all. I have a scan at 32 weeks and baby was completely fine. I am sure you will be ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
i dont believe all this measuring rubbish, everytime my middy measures me she does it from different points, also it changes when baby changes position, also i am bigger than average woman and had a tummy to start with so i dont get how it can work??
I am measuring big - 38 cm at 36 weeks. My midwife said that theres a 2/3cm error either way and she's not worried although she can feel my baby's a good size. I don't believe its a exact science.

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