Baby gone all quiet scare!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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We had a bit of a worry today. It sounds really trivial because it's still early days and I know baby movements can be very erratic, but for the last few weeks I've had a very active bump indeed - seems like every time I sit down baby's on the move and my partner has felt kicks and we have even seen my belly move!

So yesterday everything was very quiet, hardly felt a thing, and this morning I felt hardly anything at all until about 12 when I drank a glass of very cold water (heard this wakes them up :oops: ) and lay down on my left side for a bit - I felt something very faint but it was so different to the usual level of activity I was still a bit worried.

Was considering calling the maternity unit to try and get my scan pulled forward (from Friday)... although we're both very logical and calm and knew it was probably nothing it's amazing how that niggling fear just grabs you. i guess this is being a parent! :?

Anyway, the happy end to this story is that for the last 3 hours baby has been disco dancing. I reckon we were just having an extra long sleep in there for bank holiday weekend, and now kicking fit to bust!

The mid-afternoon choccie might have helped :think:

So the moral of the tale is, if you have any worries make sure your sugar levels are nice and high and see what happens!
It's been a bit like this for me this weekend too. Pleased to say though, this morning, bubba's making up for it :D

These things are sent to try us :roll: :roll:
Its so normal to worry! I was getting lots of flutters first thing in the morning for a few days now and this morning I didn't feel them and so I started wondering if everything was ok straight away! It really is silly but I think we are programmed to be concerned!
I have had a quiet few days too. I was really worried so I used my doppler to put my mind at ease. He really made up for it last night though as I hardly got any sleep.

I think it is normal to worry about the amount of movement you feel. I suppose that babies just have lazy days too. xxx
Mine has his off days too... I'm sure its where he has turned and is now facing the placenta and is kicking that. Seemingly if they are making movements at the placenta we can't feel it.

Then after a while he makes up for it like yesterday where he got into an awkward position and actually caused me pain, and I know that isn't going to get any better. :wall:

Today he's quiet again :(
Update - was like a bat out of hell all last night until after breakfast this morning. :cheer: and :roll: got me up before 6
Your LO is having growth spurts, so he/she won't be moving so much, they maybe moving and you do not feel it. Consider that some women don't feel their LO move until 24 weeks and such.

I still get it at the moment, I'll have a day that he won't move then days on end when he is playing 'kick the fav organ' 24hrs a day :lol:

Don't worry so much, remember that when you are moving or tense, the bay will or can not move. Don't panic, you'll have days you'll wish he'd stop moving to give your kidneys a break from being used as a punch bag :lol:

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