Baby Dust x


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Well I thought I would be in my 2ww but now I'm not sure? Had the witch on the 27th and just calculated on a 28 day cycle as it's my first real month ttc.

Horrible cramps like the witch arrival on Thursday evening and then nothing?

Someone has said this could of been ov so have I now missed the Baby Boat???

Spreading lots of xx Baby Dust xx
I don't really know much about cycles and cramping during the 2ww, I would just go on ur 28 day cycle and say ur 5dpo. Didn't mean to upset u about any thoughts in my other post, but going from ur date thurs to tues does sound right for ur fertile time on a 28 day cycle. Are u usually regular? Xx

Lots of baby dust to u xx
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Hun since this is your first cycle just make sure your recording everything so you can keep track of you body and be more prepared for the next one. You can get cramps dduring implantation so good luck with getting that BFP. Have you checked out feltility friend is really good. You can google it it allows you to chart everything and gives you advice on ttc. fx xx
Ah sweet, I was not upset by your post thanks for your concern x I have decided to try and not ttc but it is hard and confusing ??? Being laid back is not really working.

Your thoughts and help are most welcomed as they will help me!

Thanks again and heaps of Baby Dust for You XX

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