2 week wait - have we a chance?

Ok I got most of that. But is he saying that you OV twice in a month? :shock: Glad he's reassured you about the antibiotics. :hug:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
Ok I got most of that. But is he saying that you OV twice in a month? :shock: Glad he's reassured you about the antibiotics. :hug:

I think he was saying the surge happens day 14 even if the egg doesn't pop out until day 19 but then again the OPK pick up on the surge and that isn't until day 19 :wall: that's when I got confused.
He started to draw peak diagrams for me too!
Good luck to both of you, I really hope everything turns out OK :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds to me like he doesn't know what he's talking about!

Gp's don't really seem to know much about the process of womens cycles and the differences. Some just think that you ovulate on day 14 and that's that. I think they all should go on a fertility course.

Hope your UTI clears up. I suffer with them too.

Sus x
Well that letter still didn't arrive this morning from the useless GP, I should have asked for a copy of it last night. At least this other GP is talking about testing my levels later on, which is a step forward :cheer:

:hug: :hug:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
http://www1.mums-world.co.uk/lpd.htm I found this (your Doc would hate me!) It seems to contradict his arguement that the embryo would stop the womb lining shedding.

Thanks. I will monitor it this month and next and then that will be 6 months. I will print out this too and let him read it- I don't care if he gets grumpy this is too important. At least if I do get BFP and miscarry I can point this out as a factor too.

Mx :hug: :hug:
Ok 4DPO and got tummy ache a bit like AF is on its way and for about an hour mild stabbing pains in my left side and mild intigestion.

If AF turns up Monday then still 9 day luteal phase.

Symptoms of AF or pregnancy (also felt sick earlier but then again I ate a cream brulee). ?????????
Ok finally got my letter from the Dr today about my luteal phase :cheer:

With 2 crossed out errors really proffesional!

She said basically that she had spoken to a Dr at the fertility Unit who responded saying "

that it would be very unusual for the phase to be 9 days and that she did not feel that this is a worrying situation. She actually (the fertility Dr) suggested that it might be a good idea not to bother with OPK and making myself more anxious. At this stage of events she suggested BDing twice a week.

However, if I am keen to investigate the situtation further then to contact my GP and they would do progesterone blood level tests to establish whether I ovulate, although it is clear from the test you have done that you are ovulating".

Right if AF shows up I going to the nice male Dr next month.

5DPO I feel sick and tummy ache is this usual? :puke:
i would have thought it was too early, but you never know.

I am no signs at all and due to test monday
I'm worried its AF which will be early :(

Good luck for Monday :hug: :hug:
Well not due till 13 Oct and currently 8DPO and have really bad AF cramps since Wed :cry: :cry:

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