baby Bailey labour's story


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Hi everyone heres my labour story I thought I would share with you.

Well not sure if everyone knows but I was due to be induced on the 28th April one week early due to medication I take.

But at 38 weeks went in to early labour and spent a week contracting and dilating to only 2 cm although my cervix was soft it was thick so i had to go in on 28th to have one lot of prostene gel to get me really going.

at 2.30 Saturday morning I was 3 cm and in established labour although my waters hadnt gone they kept me on the ward at labour suites were busy. :cry: At 1.30 pm they admited me to the labour suite to break my waters and I spent five hours sitting on a birthing ball just useing breathing exercises they were getting more close together and alot stronger when they checked me.

at 5pm I was still 3 cm :wall: and they decided to give me an oxciyten drip to strenghten the contractions but by the time I had the needle put in I had had a bleed the registrar on duty checked me and they found I had gone from 3cm to 7cm in 15 mins :shock:

They got me off the bed as Bailey had gone back to back and I was in agony, I asked for some pethidine and by the time they came back with it I was 8cm and couldnt have it.

at 8pm they had a change over of staff, they said they would come back in an hour after this, but at 8.15 I was screaming at my partner that it was coming and he had to get someone when they checked I was 10cm and the head was there :dance:

I spent 2.30 hours pushing and after 2 hours my contractions stopped so they had to re put the oxciyten drip in to give me some contractions as I had crowned Bailey but didnt have any contractions to push him out.

At 10.30 Bailey was born weighing 6.4lb it was great the best thing I have ever done :dance:

I had to have one stitche and this is where the problems started.

I came home on the sunday and the midwife visited on the monday and all was well down there, but tuesday onwards I felt as though something was scratching me as I walked and sat down on Thursday when the midwife visited again I was in agony and pretty much cried if sitting or walking I found it hard to deal with Bailey as the pain over took my concentration.

When she looked the stitche I had been given had been over stitched continuosly which had become one thick stitche which as I walked or sat had given me a paper cut inside :shock: :shock: , they had also left the start and ends ends protuding which had also scratched me.

She took them and advised cold ice packs and salt baths to heal it.

I am now only just starting to heal at last.

I would definitly do again apart from the stitches bit I would say was worse then the labour itself.

Sarah x
aww hunny, sorry about the agony afterwards, glad your and bailey are doing well though and can't wait to see some pictures of him
aww sounds like a good birth apart from the stiches afterwards. I cant believe you dilated so fast! that was good. I wish I could have used a birthing ball, I was induced and they strapped me up to monitors on the bed for the duration of my labour! so you'd do it all again? I know I would :)
:shock: ooooh paper cuts,ouch!!Glad to hear that you are healing now.Not to sure about spending a week contracting,although I hope I dilate as quickly as you did!! Well done Sarah!

bagpuss xx

congrats sorry you went through all the pain after wards.
Did you make a complaint?

Lauz_1601 my labour was the same as yours it sounds like :? .
But yes would do it again
congratulations , great fast birth (apart form that nasty stitch :x )

welcome bailey :dance:

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