BABY BAILEY JAMES HAS ARRIVED! Pic on Page 2 and page 5!!!!

Awww Fiona, i am so glad for you and your family, it has been one hell of a long difficult haul for you and yours. He is lovely BIG CONGRAGTULATIONS to you and yours. Welcome, finally baby Bailey! :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

He is a right sweetie glad you finaly have him and hope you can take him home soon :hug: :cheer:
Aww see fiona everyone loves him and i love that photo, though i like the first one you sent with him all scrunched up and red still lol!
Im so proud of you babes.I know your feeling sore and tired but man was he worth it!
Thanks for all the updates and never ending phone calls yesterday!
And thanks to mark letting me know he had arrived!

ME NEXT!!!! :cheer:

Woohoo a massive CONGRATUATION TO YOU BOTH he is absolutely gorgeous. Thank God he's arrived safe and sound and 5lbs that's a great weight.
Congratulations SSS and family, Wow , what a cutie!. Hope you can take him home soon. Take Carexx :hug:
Congratulations, what a gorgeous baby - and so healthy looking for his age! Congrats xxx
Wow, what a cutie! I want one!!

Congrats SSS and Mark, bet you are over the moon!

Piglet xx
pigletpoo said:
Wow, what a cutie! I want one!!

Congrats SSS and Mark, bet you are over the moon!

Piglet xx

Good god woman your as impatient as me! :rotfl:
congratulations Fiona and Mark!! What a gorgeous baby!

UPDATE: Bailey is still in scbu as hes havong probs with his temperature, fiona sad they have moved him to a warmer unit to help with that.
She might not see him today as shes poorly at the mo and has to have a blood transfusion all down to her low iron levels.Nothing serious as shes getting fixed.
Get well soon fi
Congratulations Fiona & Mark! He is so gorgeous! :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:
All ican say is mum and baby are fine and well, I hope thats enough for you all x

Big congrat to them all i got goosbumps im so happy for her

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