Baby aspirin and implantation


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2008
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Just been doing my daily fertility research and i read that baby aspirin or low dose aspirin (80 mg) helps with implantation and prevents miscarriages? does anyone know anything about this?
I considered myself when going through IVF but then read (on another forum) that it can have the opposite effect. Too little is known about its effectiveness I think but I'd say if your doctor thinks it's a good idea then it's worth considering. I wouldn't take it without telling your doctor though ;)
my gyne consultant put me on it after i got my bfp to try and help keep the baby.
i'd not been told to take it in advance though.
I have asprin when i am pregnant to stop blood clots forming and causing miscarraige etc
but i have read many people having asprin during ivf if they have had failed ivf cycles
and this is suppose to of helped them to get there bfp.

I have read on the internet that asprin sends lots of blood flow to the lining of the womb etc
helping embryos to implant i took this advice and took asprin off my own accord last january
and i got pregnant and ovualted 2 eggs and was having twins sadley i lost them both
but asprin did help so now while i am ttc i take one every two days but i do suffer with a
blood clotting disorder when pregnant ... what i would do is ask your gp would it do you
any harm if you took them and if they say no then give it ago hun !!
I know if you have asthma you are not meant to take asprin

Good luck , karen x
Thanks girls. Yes i read that it's recommended for people having IVF but some people swear it helped with their progesterone and they managed to get a BFP.

I wasn't planning to take it anyway and agree that you should speak to your doctor before doing so but just wanted some info in case i consider it in the future.

Thanks all :hug:
I took it from ovulation till 9 weeks and also progesterone cream and so far so good!

My midwife said taking it does no harm so it is worth a go and she seemed impressed I'd researched it and went for it

The doctor on the other hand was uninterested and said she would only suggest it after 3 miscarriages, which I said was pretty stupid if it's safe after one! She also knew nothing of the progesterone cream, so if you mention it to your sdoctor prepare for a stock answer of to try it after 3 losses.

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