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Baby Asprin?

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hi, this is really to Louise, but made it a thread instead of a personal message incase we can all learn something from it.

Louise, you recommended 'baby asprin' as being helpful. So I was in a chemist today and started looking. I found every pain killer possible for babies, but no aspirin. So i went to the fertility section and finally to the regular aspirin section.

Is it an aspirin that's suitable for babys or just aspirin? I picked up a box and the standard amount was 300 mg. So I went to the pharmasist. He was confused and suggested that maybe it was just supposed to be a low dose aspirin and gave me some that are only 75 mg.

They keep these ones behind the pharmacy counter as it's usually for people recovering from heart ops and stuff like that. Is that what you meant?
starfish - you're a star! i've been thinking of posting this all day as i was going to stop off today for some but when i looked on boots.com there was only standard asprin?? louise - please enlighten us :)

Sorry, didn't see this thread :)

I think baby aspirin is US terminology for the smallest available dosage, but yes it is basically a very low dose of aspirin.

It's typically the dosage given to people suffering heart conditions etc for them to take every single day so it is safe to do so as long as you don't have any existing conditions.

I buy the standard 300mg 100% aspirin tablets - most spermarkets have their own brand - and then i break it into 4 pieces.

I take one 75mg piece per day when i take the rest of my supplements. I haven't noticed any side effects at all, although i am pretty robust.

It's easier if you buy round tablets because there is already a score line to half it, and then you just snap the halves into quarters.

Always best to speak to your doctor about it if you are unsure ;)
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Found this on google.

[FONT=comic sans ms,arial,helvetica]Baby Aspirin
Take only one (1) per day.
a/k/a Children's Aspirin - 81 mg
Start at any time of cycle.
Aspirin is known to suppress natural
killer cells in the uterus, so it is used
for those with immune problems.
Because Aspirin thins your blood,
it also improves blood flow to the ovaries,
improving follicle development,
and improves blood flow to the uterus,
improving the quality of the uterine lining.
This increases the odds that implantation will
be successful. Also, during pregnancy, it will help
prevent miscarriage or fetal demise in those
prone to blood clots. Having blood clots form in the
placenta and/or umbilical cord is the cause
of many of these pg losses.[/FONT]
Sorry, didn't see this thread :)

I think baby aspirin is US terminology for the smallest available dosage, but yes it is basically a very low dose of aspirin.

Yup! My OB actually is talking about putting me on this when we start TTC again in November to help things along. I've been reading quite a lot about this since he told me. I found this link useful. http://www.sharedjourney.com/articles/aspirin.html

Re the dose:
Aspirin therapy is taken orally in small daily doses. Also known as baby aspirin, low dose aspirin therapy contains between 78 and 81 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid. If you are taking aspirin for infertility you should be under the direct supervision of a licensed health care provider.
I want to try it but I'm a bit scared, what does everyone think? x
I want to try it but I'm a bit scared, what does everyone think? x

I think that if your scared, that you shouldn't do it without medical advice. Don't just follow others.

This is actually pretty unusual for me because i don't take medicines or tablets for anything - no matter how crap i feel - but i felt pretty comfortable with what i had read about it.
I have just taken my 1st baby asprin. Will it help with this cycle do you think? I could be due to ovulate any day from today - 29th September.

Possibly Flopsy. Not as much as if you started right form the start, but every little helps right :)
Oh well, even if I get a :bfn: again this cycle, at least I will be building up reserves of the baby asprin again for next cycle.! :)

I'm armed with my baby asprin, folic acid, pineapple juice, honey and a new crystal! LOL with that arsenal, I hope I get my :bfp:

when I had a miscarriage in 2005 someone on the forum recommended baby aspirin so I took the 75mg until I was 5 weeks pregnant and told my GP when I went to confirm my pregnancy and although she was a little shocked that I had made this decision myself she said no harm done but wasnt really any point continuing as pregnancy was now confirmed. We went on to have a healthy little boy!!!
It's good to hear these success stories with something so easy to do. Fingers crossed we have a huge crop of baby asprin :bfp:

Hi, if you go to the pharmacy counter they sell the 75mg asprin (i know it seems daft that it is behind the counter and yet is not as strong as stuff on shelf, but pharmacy logic!) I'm now taking them, I got the Dispersable ones and have dropped one in my morning hot lemon, but not every day, maybe three days a week.
I just went onto a forum that has sections that ask different professionals questions and re baby aspirin the pharmacist answered:

"The increased risks with aspirin (and all NSAIDs) is in third tri after 28 weeks but this is in assosciation with doses used for pain relief (300mg plus) Low dose 75mg can be used throughout pregnancy if clinically indicated. As you say it is a case of weighing up risk v benefit. Given your history then it is appropriate and will be fine to continue. Like you say evidence for use in preventing pre-eclampsia isn't overwhelming but it is a recognised treatment so worth trying at least."

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