Baby Aidan (Nipper)


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
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Firstly, an attempt at his picture: ... 1small.jpg

Well to give you a little idea of what was happening, my waters broke at 9pm on Thursday, just watching a film and squwooosh. After a frantic panic around (still so unprepared) we had to go into hospital where i was put on a monitor for 20 minues. As i was not in established labour yet they sent us home. When your waters break they give you up to 48 hours (any more then there is a greater risk of infection) to go into spontaneous labour. Had a rough night, contractions were coming and going from between 40 minutes apart to 7 minutes! Friday was similar, rushing around trying to sort things out between contractions, however they never got close enough (3-4 minutes) for us to go back to hospital. If it all hadn't started we had been told to go back in on Saturday and went in at 9am. They were having a busy day and it wasn't until about half 12 that the midwife came to see us. They put a line in my arm and started me off on a drip, which induced labour. The drug is known to make the contractions even more painful and i set about puffing on the gas and air. A few hours in i had a shot of pethadine, which did absolutely diddly squat!! The contractions were coming thick and fast and when i was examined at about 7:40pm i was only 5cm dilated!! I was in lots of pain and was asked what i wanted to do about relief, i really didn't want an epidural but as i was only 5cm and thought how much longer it could go on for i caved in. The anaesthetist came to speak to me and set about putting the stuff in my back. As my contractions were so close together i kept moving when he was attempting to insert the needle (apparently he tried this 5 times, you should see the state of my back) he decided it might be easier to inject me whilst laying on my side, however the bed was not working and wouldn't stay pumped up so they had to get another bed and transfer me to it!! Just as the anaesthetist had the needle in and was about to press on the plunger to give me the drug i got a big urge to push. The midwife checked me again and i was fully dilated!!!!!! So i never received the epidural after all that. 15 minutes of pushing later (still on my side with one leg in the air) and there was a little squeal. When Aidan was born he was put on the bed next to me inbetween ben and i whilst i delivered the placenta.

I didn't tear and wasn't cut but i did receive a graze as Aidan's arm was curled up around his shoulder when he came out (peeing aint much fun at the mo) Ben held the little fella but i was still in pain as the drip had to continue going through me as you have to reduce the dose and not stop it all at once. So i was still getting contractions, even though i had given birth, this went on for about an hour and a half and i was losing a lot of blood. There was hardly any time inbetween contractions and these were quite painful. The midwife called the doctor who examined me and confirmed that due to the inducing drug my womb had filled with blood and had clotted and i was contracting to try to "give birth" to the clots. Ben happened to be in that line of sight on the sofa and witnessed (poor fella) two, in his words tennis ball size clots appear. I was then asked if i wanted to clean up and went to the bathroom for a kind of shower. I was still losing a lot of blood and hyperventilating, the midwife got the doctor who said i should receive another dose of the induction drug, which should steady things out, so i was put on the drip again, no contractions this time tho.

Being a complication i was given my own room, yay! I was discharged on Monday, just anaemic so lots of iron. Everything is going fine and our beautiful son is so perfect. He has a big mop of blonde hair and deep blue eyes, which i'm pretty certain will turn chocolate brown. He has Ben's nose and my ears. We couldn't be prouder!!!!

Claire, Ben & Aidan xxxxxx
He looks so sweet! Well done you!

Tennis balls, eh? :shock: :puke:

Glad you're both feeling well and content :D
Congratulations Claire and welcome to little Aidan.
awwwwwwwww! what a perfect little man, many congrats hun he is gorgeous xxx :hug:
aww hes so cute, you must be so happy hun!!!


Awww he's gorgeous!

:shock: to the blood clots though, glad you're OK
he is a real cutie well done and welcome aidan xx :cheer:
Congratulations, I bet you are on cloud nine - love the picture of him
rrr beautiful.... i love his name i always have xxxx
Congrats, he's gorgeous. Glad you got through it all ok.

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