Elexis Joy Barraclough 21/06/12


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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So...2 days before my 38week midwife appointment i had some sharp pains around my pubic bone area, when i saw the midwife she told me babies head was 4/5ths palpable and that the pain was due to her head engaging...no help there, really thought something was happening! Anyway i woke up wednesday feeling rough as i had had broken sleep as per and was going to put it down to missus's head engaging until i realised that the pains were different and that i had been sleeping through "contractions" since 2am, as well as having blood tinged mucus when i had my morning pee! I managed to get through the day,but the pains worsened and the loss of mucus was epic and so i rung the labour ward and explained to them about the pain etc and they asked me to go through to be checked! They checked my cervix and i was only 2cm dilated so they told me to go home and to come back once they were more frequent/regular and painful!

Wednesday night/early hours thursday the contractions were pretty painful,i was trying to breathe through the contractions and lost it at one point, i just started crying and the pain seemed to be worse so i gave my head a shake and started breathing through them again. i got in the bath at 2am and didnt get out while 4am, at first the bath worked for me but then the contractions just came back on as painful as ever and i decided i needed to go in to hospital for some pain relief at least! We got there really early, must have been half 4, 5 o clock in the morning! The midwife said she would check my cervix in a few hours etc which i was peeved at as the pain was horrid and i wanted to know if things were progressing! i found walking through the contractions hugging a pillow tightly to my chest helped me deal with the pain more, sitting just hurt like hell. Anyway come 6:30am a midwife came and checked me and said i was 5cms dilated! i was in a lot of pain so i had some meptid which spaced me out big style but didnt really do anything for the pain, i asked for the epidural but the aneathatist was in theatre so i had to wait :( i actually think i dealt with the contractions fairly well seen as though they were every minute and a half and lasting a minute! i had my mum and OH pummelling my lower back through each pain which helped a little too.

just after 11am i had the epidural put in, kinda felt a funny tickle in my spine as they put it in but tbh it didnt hurt, the meptid injection hurt more lol! the drug they used for the epi was a weakened form which was used so that i could still feel the contractions just not the pain, but this didnt work and i still felt pain...downside...before the epi i walked the contractions off which helped, after the epi i couldnt move my legs and so just had to put up with the pain which was immense. My waters were broke around 12:30 - 1pm which was the oddest feeling, warm water just gushed out! After a while the epi was wearing off, i told the midwife that i could still feel pain, she got hold of the anaethatist and he upped the dosage, at 13:36 the midwife checked and i was 6cm. at 15:45 i had full dosage of the epi as i realised the epi was still not doing much for me, i was numb everywhere, the midwife checked me soon after the top up to see if i had got any further as my contractions were still irregular and i was 9cm's...i was so shocked to have got so far and so was the midwife who had said even though my contractions werent regular and she hadnt expected them to be doing very much that they must be doing something at least! Anyway when she came back and checked after an hour i had got to 10cms which she was amazed at as the epi had slowed down my contractions and they were still irregular! She gave me another hour or 2 (cant quite remember lol) so that babies head could come down a bit more on its own. Eventually at 6:45pm we started the pushing process, the epi was wearing off slowly so i could feel when they were coming, after an hour it was evident that my contractions needed to be regular enough to get little lady out as with each push she was coming down but the length of time between contractions meant she was going back up again so they put me on the drip to regulate them. After 2 and a half hours of pushing my little gorgeous lady was delivered and even though i had the epi i could feel the pressure of her head coming out etc just no pain to go with it (thank God) mum was in tears bless haha! They put her straight onto my tummy, she looked quite clean tbh and didnt cry out, in fact another midwife was trying to get a reaction from her, eventually we had a little cry but it didnt last long lol!

Anyway, the placenta was delivered within 4mins but thats when the chaos started, my uterus didnt start contracting like it should and the blood didnt start clotting, and i lost a lot of blood, there were docs and midwives everywhere, they injected something into my canula which was to clot the blood and thankfully that worked! The meds to clot the blood cause sickness so i threw up loads and felt so so weak! And then there was the 2nd degree tear which i had to have stitched :(
Our little miss was perfect though, her heart rate stayed the same throughout labour even through the contractions and in the final stages, in fact she was so chilled she didnt even cry when she came out :) she weighed in at 7lb 2oz and was born at 21;09 on 21/06/12 my mum cut the unbilical cord as my OH said that he had done our other DD's so mum could do Elexis's.

We're all very chuffed with our little rainbow baby! Its been amazing going through the whole thing with you lovely PF lot and unfortunately thats me done for babies so no more ttc or pregnancy section for me although i'm still sticking around for a nosey and moving into the baby section :)

And heres a few pics of our little lady (not so little as she got weighed by the midwife at 5 days old and has put on 3oz the lil chunk hehe)

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She is gorgeous! Congratulations - cant wait to join you in baby and toddler section! X
Thanks hun :) you havent got too much longer to go now hey :D how exciting! xx
Exciting and scary! Currently sitting in a bath with clary sage with plans to eat a pineapple ice lolly after! Wishful thinking! X
haha i tried all sorts after 37wks...i think the mass trigger was sweeping flood water out of the back garden, it took me a good 20-30 minutes of hardcore sweeping to get rid of it and thats when i started having the sharp pains the day after :lol: xx
well done hunni she is beautiful, and as for the sickness after you had the extra jabs cause you werent clotting/contracting its completely normal just wish someone would of told me as i was sick too after having them. glad you are fine and a tropper for such a long labour x x x
Aww what a rough ride u had with the epi's and after the birth. Must have been a bit scary. Lovely that lexi is putting on weight and doing well :) xxx
she warned me and said it was almost instantanious, i thought i waqs gonna get away with it as i felt ok for about a minute after but then gradually felt more and more sick until i just couldnt keep it in, i had to tell them to take Lexi off of me otherwise she woild have got it full pelt bless her lol! its bloody horrible! i half expected it though as i was sick after having DD and i didnt even have those meds with her, i think that timewas down to all the different pain relief i had etc :sick:

Aww what a rough ride u had with the epi's and after the birth. Must have been a bit scary. Lovely that lexi is putting on weight and doing well :) xxx

Ahh thanks hun, tbh i was that tired i wasnt too worried about the loss, i knew it was serious just from lostening to the midwives and docs whispering etc and the look on mums face but i just felt too crappy to give a damn lol! Glad its over now and i certainly wont be doing it again haha! And yes, my little chunk she is, the mw said they usually lose weight after birth and then start gaining again from day 10 ish so she was suprised at Lexi gaining so soon :) xx
She is so beautiful honey. Well done. You did brilliantly! Any stitches?!
Ahh thanks ladies and yes Spammy...i've forgot to add that minor detail haha, i did ask the mw when i was pushing if she thought i wouldneed to be cut or of she thought i would tear and she replied "ohhh noooo, your fine, babies head will come out fine!" pfft yeah right, 2nd degree tear right from front to back :( stung like a chuffer for the first 3-4 days but feel fine now, still sore of i catch them when i wipe but at least they dont hurt when i sit down now! Oh...n the boobs after...jeeze...i love the size but the pain...oooosh!! not good haha xx
oh deedee shes an absolute beaut. Keira wighed the same...
Took me 2 weeks t be able to sit down after my stitches lol i must be a wimp.
Congrats xxx
Booo. There I was thinking you got away with it!! Silly midwife!
Aww congrats deedee she's a wee stunner xx
Loula, i still get the odd pain around the area from time to time so your deffo not a whimp lol! And congrats on your LO too...i've missed so many births from not having my laptop for God knows how long i think i have a lot of catching up to do haha!

Spammy...no unfortunately i didnt get away with it although i was hoping seen as though i've had one baby that i would be ok but seems not, in fact it seemed worse this time but i think thats maybe because i tore rather than having an episiotomy like i did with DD...oh the joys lol!

She's beautiful deedee well done! A little scarey but glad all ok ! Wish I was writing my story, oh well hopefully not long now xxxx
Congratulations, she's gorgeous!:) Everyones stitches are bothering me more than the labour! :eek:

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