Babies room - whens about right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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We have started on the babies room, I know most of you will probably think its really early, but I really feel like I want to get organised and need something to focus on. We have already bought quite a lot of bits which we were lucky enough to pick up half price in a sale last month. :) I just think that by starting now, it won't be rushed at the last minute, and its easier to buy stuff as we go along, so we can afford it.
When did you all start getting your nursery ready? And buying furniture etc.?
Its so hard not to get carried away, as I still have a long way to go.
my first i was around six months when i strated getting it ready but this times a diff story as he doesnt have his own room
I personally didn't want to buy anything until after the 20 week scan, as a friend of mine got bad news at hers and had to end the pregnancy. I saw that as my big milestone. Also I'm more cautious after 2 miscarriages! However, I ordered the nursery furniture at the baby show last week and picked up a few other bits. Do it when you feel it's right! xx
My nursery furniture came today, I'm of the same mind as you, start early then the cost is split and you can just get little bits now and then, plus when you do start buying, it's nice to have somewhere to put stuff x x
I've just started mine now, more because I've just been a bit crap than any superstitious reasons! It's quite good fun though, enjoying it more than I thought I would :)
Well we haven't actually done anything yet, but we have ordered nursery furniture, and have a friend that wants to buy our old furniture, so we just need to get everything emptied for her to collect, then decorate the room before the furniture arrives but that's a couple of months away apparently

We have our scan on monday so once we (fingers crossed) find out what we are having we are going to decide how to decorate, I don't particular want pink or blue, I want to do it quite funky so it's a little bit girly or boyish
We will be starting after our 20 week scan. I kinda have this mental block that I can't buy stuff before then!! (I did buy a pram tho from ebay as was fantastic deal but its hidden away!) The nursery will be a bigger job as we gotta get rid of a double bed, old wardrobes etc so after next fri it will be full steam ahead! X
I personally didn't want to buy anything until after the 20 week scan, as a friend of mine got bad news at hers and had to end the pregnancy. I saw that as my big milestone. Also I'm more cautious after 2 miscarriages! However, I ordered the nursery furniture at the baby show last week and picked up a few other bits. Do it when you feel it's right! xx

nice! what furniture did you decide upon?:)
We got the mamas and papas ocean range:

normally so expensive but we got a great deal at the baby show -got the cot, wardrobe, changing table, chelf and tallboy, all for £2000, so about £1000 off. And the reason I went for it is that the wardrobe can be used for adults and you can remove the lip from the dresser that makes it a changing table so it's suitable for adults! It's solid oak, beautiful and nicer than any of the stuff we have in our place at the moment, haha!

which one are you thinking of? xx
I didn't want to buy anything before the 20 weeks scan and still now I feel it's rather early to buy too much...I'm doing a lot of internet research though and I spend hours in Mothercare every week !!
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we are borrowing my sisters cotbed as my niece is having our single bed. ive just got to get a new mattress. then wardrobes and drawers.

not alot. i want it quite spaciest so bubs has room in there when getting bigger. (only a box room so won't take long to fill it.)

We got the mamas and papas ocean range:

normally so expensive but we got a great deal at the baby show -got the cot, wardrobe, changing table, chelf and tallboy, all for £2000, so about £1000 off. And the reason I went for it is that the wardrobe can be used for adults and you can remove the lip from the dresser that makes it a changing table so it's suitable for adults! It's solid oak, beautiful and nicer than any of the stuff we have in our place at the moment, haha!

which one are you thinking of? xx

This is the one we are looking at and the same colour wood (I think it also comes in dark walnut as well)!!! I love this set. The challenge we have is that we wont have a nursery room. My parents are coming to stay with us - they live in greece - for the first 40-60 days and they will have the second bedroom. We will have the cot bed in our room. So not sure if we should buy the matching wardrobe. :( sounds lovely to have that set.

And what a great deal! :dance: great work

Thanks for sharing
We got the mamas and papas ocean range:

normally so expensive but we got a great deal at the baby show -got the cot, wardrobe, changing table, chelf and tallboy, all for £2000, so about £1000 off. And the reason I went for it is that the wardrobe can be used for adults and you can remove the lip from the dresser that makes it a changing table so it's suitable for adults! It's solid oak, beautiful and nicer than any of the stuff we have in our place at the moment, haha!

which one are you thinking of? xx

This is the one we are looking at and the same colour wood (I think it also comes in dark walnut as well)!!! I love this set. The challenge we have is that we wont have a nursery room. My parents are coming to stay with us - they live in greece - for the first 40-60 days and they will have the second bedroom. We will have the cot bed in our room. So not sure if we should buy the matching wardrobe. :( sounds lovely to have that set.

And what a great deal! :dance: great work

Thanks for sharing

no problem! I just fell in love with it. Buy it! even if you oly get the cot bed at this stage, then pick up the wardrobe after your parents leave?
we r moving house in 6 weeks so i havnt done anything yet, iv bought some bits to put in babys room but will start ass soon as e move in, cant wait x

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