Baby's room question


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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So baby's nursery entrance is through our bedroom and the room is tiny ( the sizeof an walk in closet that is original use anyway). We could put a closet there for babies clothes but it's quite tight in space even without the closet, not impossible though.

We have a fair amount of closets and storing place all around the house and we moved our clothes to the first floor so we have the nursery near the bedroom.

What do you think Isit worth it buying a separate closet for the baby or use any other closet in the house for babies clothes? Wouldn't be a little impractical to have to go to other room or floor to get the clothes that the baby needs? Or maybe a closet somewhere else and some drawers with the essentials in the nursery?
A closet to hand is helpfull. Perhaps on with sliding doors ( we have one from ikea) so save space? X

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
Most of the things that you will have the baby in will be able to fold up so I would say use storage elsewere and just have a chest of drawers for the nursery. I have a dresser in my nursery which is like a chest of drawers with a cupboard next to it which I put a rail in and use to hang up some clothes!
My LO is still in our bedroom but he has his own seperate wardrobe in his nursery (which he's not old enough to be in yet) It isn't really all that much of a hassle to go in & take out clothes tbh. I'd say put the wardrobe where-ever it fits. We hang all the day time outfits & fold & put all sleepsuits/vests/scratch mits ect in the drawers (which are seperate to the wardrobe)

I hardly ever dress the baby in our bedroom where his clothes are. His changing stuff is in the living room or I do it in the bathroom. I don't mind going and getting stuff from the bedroom.


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