August mummies :)

I must admit I am the opposite on the jeans front haha I am fitting into my smaller size jeans and am weighing the least I have since I lost all my baby weight from my first. But I wish I was feeling the need for my maternity jeans :)
Maternity Jeans - please say it’s not just me who feels the need to wear them?

I’ve just dug our a pair of my old ones and of my god they are so much comfier!

My nausea has ramped up a gear today too :(
I brought some online on dorothy perkins website there the best things since slices bread and theres a sale too ladies got a top and Jean's and delivery for 16 pounds
Also was violently sick last night and this morning work up today with another cold and so so tierd
Just off the phone with the hospital after having bloods done this morning! Levels dropping but only very slightly! The consultant wants me to go in tomorrow morning to discuss keyhole surgery! I’ve not to eat or drink anything from midnight tonight and I’ve to take an overnight bag with me for if I decide to go ahead with this!

I don’t have all the information just now. I thought the plan was still to wait for the womb sample to come back next week and then decide on a medication. But it sounds like they want to act faster than that. I’ll know more in the morning.

I’ve never had any surgery before so I feel quite nervous. Never been put under before. I don’t know 100% if this will go ahead but there must be a reason why they’re suggesting it and so soon!

what do you guys think? Particularly those who have been through this. Is this the best thing to do? I’m really scared Xxx
Oh gosh @Littleperson I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. I’ve never had any experience with it but I really hope it can all get resolved soon for you.
Hopefully someone else has some experience or advise.
It was the best decision for me.
I personally wanted the surgery so I could move on. I hated the not knowing when I would eventually start bleeding and finally miscarry.
It certainly wasn’t as bad as you think it could be. Yes I was putto sleep but it’s so quick and painless and I was home same day. Went in for 7.30am and was home by 4.30. To be honest would have been home earlier had my blood pressure not have been high.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow honey xx
It was the best decision for me.
I personally wanted the surgery so I could move on. I hated the not knowing when I would eventually start bleeding and finally miscarry.
It certainly wasn’t as bad as you think it could be. Yes I was putto sleep but it’s so quick and painless and I was home same day. Went in for 7.30am and was home by 4.30. To be honest would have been home earlier had my blood pressure not have been high.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow honey xx
Thank you so much! That’s really reassuring! I will let you know how I get on tomorrow xxx
Just off the phone with the hospital after having bloods done this morning! Levels dropping but only very slightly! The consultant wants me to go in tomorrow morning to discuss keyhole surgery! I’ve not to eat or drink anything from midnight tonight and I’ve to take an overnight bag with me for if I decide to go ahead with this!

I don’t have all the information just now. I thought the plan was still to wait for the womb sample to come back next week and then decide on a medication. But it sounds like they want to act faster than that. I’ll know more in the morning.

I’ve never had any surgery before so I feel quite nervous. Never been put under before. I don’t know 100% if this will go ahead but there must be a reason why they’re suggesting it and so soon!

what do you guys think? Particularly those who have been through this. Is this the best thing to do? I’m really scared Xxx
You poor wee soul. You have really been through the mill with this. I had to go to surgery with first loss but it was best thing. It is scarey for you and we totally understand you would be nervous but hopefully at least this way you aren't waiting another week and hopefully after be able to rest and then get yourself better. It is horrible what you have been through but have remained so strong. Will be thinking of you tomorrow xxx
Congratulations it must be different where you are because here we ring the doctors who pass our information onto the midwife and then they call us. Hope you get your appointment soon x
Hiya , my appointments arrived for next month so excited.
@Littleperson I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s so heart wrenching. Why can’t you just have surgery, that’ll be the quickest way.
After my last miscarriage at 8 weeks I opted for surgery as it was the easiest way for me to deal with things.

I hope you get some answers soon.

Welcome to the new members :)

2 days until my scan and I’m so nervous xx
How very exciting for you. Are you weeks plus now ? Hope the scan goes well. X
Was back at the hospital this morning! The first doctor recommended methotrexate which is a drug used in chemotherapy! She told me I’d need to wait a year to conceive again! I had a complete breakdown! Bawling my eyes out! Didn’t want to wait that long and was also very scared of such a harmful drug. A senior doctor came in and told me that was nonsense it’s a 3 month wait! But there are side affects such as hair loss etc! She then agreed to scan me to double check where the pregnancy was located! They could see a ‘something’ in the womb but nothing in my tubes! The ‘something’ doesn’t have a proper sack or Fetal pole or anything. But it’s clear to see it’s there! Located right in the middle of my womb! She said because of my levels they still can’t rule out ectopic as the way the hormone is behaving is in line with ectopic pregnancies. But that it does look like it’s in my womb. She then took a sample from my womb using a straw like thing through my cervix which bloody hurt lol! That will tell us in a weeks time if there was pregnancy tissue in the womb. Back tomorrow for bloods regardless. If it does confirm it was in my womb then they can give me mifepristone which is like the abortion pill and it has less side affects! But if it’s ectopic and my levels don’t fall I will need to take the chemotherapy drug!
So the process is still ongoing! Won’t have any interventions until the tissue result comes back in a week! Just bloods til then! They said there’s a chance my body will miscarry on its own now as the sample from the womb might spur it on! So far I don’t think that’s happening! I’m not in any pain but I am exhausted and run down! I’ve got a really bad cough which isn’t connected but just feeling meh all round!
I just want this all to be over so I can heal and try again!
my OH has been very supportive but I worry this has been really hard on him too! In a weird way I think he needed to go through this before becoming a dad. He’s had a very privileged and easy life until now. He’s never experienced heart break or loss of any kind in his life. So part of me feels like this is a positive thing for him in a round about way! Xxx

so sorry little person this sounds awful. I still feel you aren’t being treated correctly, usually with a suspected ectopic they shouldn’t just leave it and ask you to wait as ectopic pregnancies are life threatening, also as Mel mentioned why do they not perform surgery, they can get a better understanding once has been removed. Really I feel you should opt for a second opinion it doesn’t sound correct at all, really so sorry you’re going through this ordeal, so traumatic. But shows how strong you are trying to see and find a positive in such a situation :(
Just off the phone with the hospital after having bloods done this morning! Levels dropping but only very slightly! The consultant wants me to go in tomorrow morning to discuss keyhole surgery! I’ve not to eat or drink anything from midnight tonight and I’ve to take an overnight bag with me for if I decide to go ahead with this!

I don’t have all the information just now. I thought the plan was still to wait for the womb sample to come back next week and then decide on a medication. But it sounds like they want to act faster than that. I’ll know more in the morning.

I’ve never had any surgery before so I feel quite nervous. Never been put under before. I don’t know 100% if this will go ahead but there must be a reason why they’re suggesting it and so soon!

what do you guys think? Particularly those who have been through this. Is this the best thing to do? I’m really scared Xxx
Just read this, it’s natural to feel frightened and anxious I think the best this would be surgery - I am not a doctor - but have been through similar before. I’m happy they are treating this with more urgency, as it should have been in the very beginning. You poor thing :(
Also was violently sick last night and this morning work up today with another cold and so so tierd
I still have hardly any symptoms... I’m nearly 7 weeks and 4 days. I did have a little sickness and absolutely nothing now. I have lost a lot of weight though as I have hardly any appetite and I do try to eat but I get full very quickly. I have my MW appointment tomorrow so will see what they say ...
Got sent home from work today. Poorly with flu type symptoms been taking paracetamol every 5 hours to help fever is ranging from 35.4 to 36.5°C have midwife tomorrow coupled with violent morning sickness last 4 days I'm really worried
Got sent home from work today. Poorly with flu type symptoms been taking paracetamol every 5 hours to help fever is ranging from 35.4 to 36.5°C have midwife tomorrow coupled with violent morning sickness last 4 days I'm really worried
oh no that sounds awful, I do hope you have someone taking care of you. Have you had a flu jab yet ? I’m happy you’re seeing MW tomorrow but maybe you should ask about going to A&E? Keep well my dear :(
Got sent home from work today. Poorly with flu type symptoms been taking paracetamol every 5 hours to help fever is ranging from 35.4 to 36.5°C have midwife tomorrow coupled with violent morning sickness last 4 days I'm really worried
also try not to panic just try to stay cool and stay home and relax if you can xxxx
Other half is being a gem. Rubbed vic on my chest making sure I've got water made me egg on toast which I've kept down so far. Dont know if it's an a&e thing.....
Other half is being a gem. Rubbed vic on my chest making sure I've got water made me egg on toast which I've kept down so far. Dont know if it's an a&e thing.....
I’m glad you have someone looking after you and happy you have managed to eat something. It’s a good thing you have an appointment tomorrow they can check you over. Also I am sometimes quite hesitant going to A&E as there are usually many unwell people there so prefer not to... but pls call NHS hotline if you need to, stay safe
I’m glad you have someone looking after you and happy you have managed to eat something. It’s a good thing you have an appointment tomorrow they can check you over. Also I am sometimes quite hesitant going to A&E as there are usually many unwell people there so prefer not to... but pls call NHS hotline if you need to, stay safe
Called 111 they have told me to see a gp within 24hrs so I'll call doctors first thing have midwife appointment tomorrow at 10 anyway. Just hope me being so poorly isn't hurting baby
Called 111 they have told me to see a gp within 24hrs so I'll call doctors first thing have midwife appointment tomorrow at 10 anyway. Just hope me being so poorly isn't hurting baby
I hope you will be fine, it’s a very good sign that you managed to eat something and keep it down. Just keep an eye on your temperature and get lots of rest. Happy you called 111, and do call them back again if you start to feel any worse. :( let me know how you get on tomorrow. I have my MW appointment tomorrow at 2pm

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