August mummies :)

Just wanted to pop on and say Merry Christmas to everyone!
Hope you all manage to have a lovely day tomorrow! If I manage to eat any of my Christmas dinner and a bit of pudding I will be happy.
More bloods taken today and levels are the same, slight rise, nothing substantial. I’ve to go in at 10am tomorrow to ‘discuss my options’
This has been brutal! I thought it was bad when I thought it was just a miscarriage! :(

I’m also really run down! My throat feels like it’s been cut with glass! I’m tired and feeling very low. I just want this all to be over with now.

I hope you all had a nice Christmas! Despite the horrible circumstances we had a lovely day! Xxx
More bloods taken today and levels are the same, slight rise, nothing substantial. I’ve to go in at 10am tomorrow to ‘discuss my options’
This has been brutal! I thought it was bad when I thought it was just a miscarriage! :(

I’m also really run down! My throat feels like it’s been cut with glass! I’m tired and feeling very low. I just want this all to be over with now.

I hope you all had a nice Christmas! Despite the horrible circumstances we had a lovely day! Xxx
I am so sorry you are still going through this. It is difficult enough without having to endure more testing and now having to make decision what next when want over to start again. Will be thinking of you. Xxx
More bloods taken today and levels are the same, slight rise, nothing substantial. I’ve to go in at 10am tomorrow to ‘discuss my options’
This has been brutal! I thought it was bad when I thought it was just a miscarriage! :(

I’m also really run down! My throat feels like it’s been cut with glass! I’m tired and feeling very low. I just want this all to be over with now.

I hope you all had a nice Christmas! Despite the horrible circumstances we had a lovely day! Xxx
@Littleperson keep us informed we all care and are here for you. Cant image what your going threw. Your a very strong lady. Sending hugs xx
I'm 9 weeks and 2 days now :-D had morning sickness Christmas morning it was bad rest of the day was good. How did everyone else manage threw Christmas? 3 days till my midwife appointment I think they may monitor me closer, I've not had a single complication and zero brown-ness or spotting. But my grandad has diabetes and my greatgrandma had trouble keeping pregnant she had 5 mc and then nearly lost my grandad at 3 months. (both maternal side)
Hi everyone would i be able to join please? I spent ages yeaterday reading through this whole thread im 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 (final baby) due around 21st august. I have my midwife appointment on the 2nd January. I dont really have any symptoms but i never did with my previous pregnancies either. Hope you are all doing well x
Hi everyone would i be able to join please? I spent ages yeaterday reading through this whole thread im 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 (final baby) due around 21st august. I have my midwife appointment on the 2nd January. I dont really have any symptoms but i never did with my previous pregnancies either. Hope you are all doing well x
Welcome. Hope you have a healthy pregnancy. My symptoms weren't too bad and around 6 weeks... Bammm they hit hard this time. Great to have you here.
@Jade jones was just so nauseated and tired all day but still...touch wood never actually sick. Yesterday was even worse as tired with all the running around. Best to have extra care if you have relatives with previous conditions just to make sure but hopefully you will be okay xxx
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Hi everyone would i be able to join please? I spent ages yeaterday reading through this whole thread im 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 (final baby) due around 21st august. I have my midwife appointment on the 2nd January. I dont really have any symptoms but i never did with my previous pregnancies either. Hope you are all doing well x
Ofcourse welcome )♡♡♡
Hi everyone would i be able to join please? I spent ages yeaterday reading through this whole thread im 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 (final baby) due around 21st august. I have my midwife appointment on the 2nd January. I dont really have any symptoms but i never did with my previous pregnancies either. Hope you are all doing well x
Hello I'm Shan just joined the forum this morning, so glad I've found it. My due date is the 20th August so we are a day apart ❤ you have had your midwife appointment already I keep checking my morning posts and haven't had anything come through yet. Congratulations also.
Good morning ladies my name is Shan and pregnant with child number 2 very happy. But I just wanted to know whether others have suffered with headaches? Mine have started this week on Monday every morning since. I haven't had my midwife appointment come through yet to ask her anything yet I am currently 6weeks plus 1 day....
Good morning ladies my name is Shan and pregnant with child number 2 very happy. But I just wanted to know whether others have suffered with headaches? Mine have started this week on Monday every morning since. I haven't had my midwife appointment come through yet to ask her anything yet I am currently 6weeks plus 1 day....
I have a few now and again keep hydrated and glass a milk at night does wonders x
Hello I'm Shan just joined the forum this morning, so glad I've found it. My due date is the 20th August so we are a day apart ❤ you have had your midwife appointment already I keep checking my morning posts and haven't had anything come through yet. Congratulations also.

Congratulations it must be different where you are because here we ring the doctors who pass our information onto the midwife and then they call us. Hope you get your appointment soon x
Hello ladies, hope you are all well.

This morning I felt awful but as the day has went on I have managed to actually do some tidying for the first time in weeks and actually feel OKish for the first time since week 5. I am still taking my anti sickness tablets and have only thrown up twice, so win.

Yesterday was a really bad day. Just nauseous all day long. Really struggled. I felt sick on Christmas Day but still managed to have a nice day and enjoy some food, which I was so very pleased about. So maybe I will have an ok day then an awful day... would be better than awful everyday anyway.

Fingers crossed the nausea doesn’t pick up again later...
I’ve added some new members to the front page! If I have missed anyone just tag me in a comment so I see it and I’ll edit it! With everything that’s been happening with me I’ve not been reading very post but I’m very happy for those whose pregnancies are going well and more than happy to add names on to this thread still xxx
Was back at the hospital this morning! The first doctor recommended methotrexate which is a drug used in chemotherapy! She told me I’d need to wait a year to conceive again! I had a complete breakdown! Bawling my eyes out! Didn’t want to wait that long and was also very scared of such a harmful drug. A senior doctor came in and told me that was nonsense it’s a 3 month wait! But there are side affects such as hair loss etc! She then agreed to scan me to double check where the pregnancy was located! They could see a ‘something’ in the womb but nothing in my tubes! The ‘something’ doesn’t have a proper sack or Fetal pole or anything. But it’s clear to see it’s there! Located right in the middle of my womb! She said because of my levels they still can’t rule out ectopic as the way the hormone is behaving is in line with ectopic pregnancies. But that it does look like it’s in my womb. She then took a sample from my womb using a straw like thing through my cervix which bloody hurt lol! That will tell us in a weeks time if there was pregnancy tissue in the womb. Back tomorrow for bloods regardless. If it does confirm it was in my womb then they can give me mifepristone which is like the abortion pill and it has less side affects! But if it’s ectopic and my levels don’t fall I will need to take the chemotherapy drug!
So the process is still ongoing! Won’t have any interventions until the tissue result comes back in a week! Just bloods til then! They said there’s a chance my body will miscarry on its own now as the sample from the womb might spur it on! So far I don’t think that’s happening! I’m not in any pain but I am exhausted and run down! I’ve got a really bad cough which isn’t connected but just feeling meh all round!
I just want this all to be over so I can heal and try again!
my OH has been very supportive but I worry this has been really hard on him too! In a weird way I think he needed to go through this before becoming a dad. He’s had a very privileged and easy life until now. He’s never experienced heart break or loss of any kind in his life. So part of me feels like this is a positive thing for him in a round about way! Xxx
I agree you only know somethings value until you cant have it when you want it. Fingers crossed your body sorts its self out naturally and you able to conceive again soon xx
@Littleperson I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s so heart wrenching. Why can’t you just have surgery, that’ll be the quickest way.
After my last miscarriage at 8 weeks I opted for surgery as it was the easiest way for me to deal with things.

I hope you get some answers soon.

Welcome to the new members :)

2 days until my scan and I’m so nervous xx
My heart goes out to you @Littleperson. What a horrible time you have had of it. I agree with Mel. You thought they would have offered to try surgical and see it that removed it for you and checked bloods. To say to you a chemo drug and can't try for a year is shocking. So glad you got the senior consultant in and working different with you. I just hope they can help you but with not the drugs that won't allow you try try again soon. It is ashame this is the first trauma your OH has had to go through but he has been lucky in life then. Just hope both of you will be okay and will be thinking about both of you until I know you are all okay xxx
Maternity Jeans - please say it’s not just me who feels the need to wear them?

I’ve just dug our a pair of my old ones and of my god they are so much comfier!

My nausea has ramped up a gear today too :(

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