August mummies :)

Oh congratulation :) I just had my scan this morning so the baby has grown to 8mm and heart beat good she actually dated me at 6+5. Really I’m so eternally grateful to have nice news as I am quite pessimistic regards what’s happened before :) yes I saw July group is very quiet...
Ahhh wow that’s fab!!! Did you get pics? Suppose just looks like a little blob atm does it? Praying I get the same news tomorrow! Xx
Ahhh wow that’s fab!!! Did you get pics? Suppose just looks like a little blob atm does it? Praying I get the same news tomorrow! Xx
Yes I am so happy, but again I’m being cautious to be too happy... but everything seems fine. They don’t print out pictures anymore - they used to - but I took some photos on my phone . I cannot uploads photos here, and yes it’s a tiny blob measuring 8mm and I got to see the heart beat again. I have been referred now to the antenatal clinic so EPU are quite happy this time :)

I think the doctor was quite happy for me as they have seen me in the EPU so many times over the years.... so hoping taking progesterone has really helped.

Please let me know how your scan goes tomorrow, it’s amazing seeing everything on the screen. :) xxxx
If you can let me know how to upload a photo I will do :)
In the reply box if you press “upload file”’on the right hand side it will say take photo / upload image. If it’s too big take a screen shot of the photo and try that, if that’s too big try cropping the camera photo. X
Hope all the July/August 2020 mummies have a fantastic Christmas. Hope we can all enjoy to some extent without being sick or unable to eat Christmas Dinner. <3 :love:
Yes defiantly hope we can all have a easier day where we can stomach some goodies, am just counting it as a bonus if there’s no vomit haha but I have two excited little ones so that’s always a lovely thing to wake up to no matter how crappy I feel :) and just think about our new little ones joining us next year :) xx
In the reply box if you press “upload file”’on the right hand side it will say take photo / upload image. If it’s too big take a screen shot of the photo and try that, if that’s too big try cropping the camera photo. X
Ive tried all of that and doesn’t seem to work :(. If I can ever log on from a desk top I’ll try through there :)
Yes defiantly hope we can all have a easier day where we can stomach some goodies, am just counting it as a bonus if there’s no vomit haha but I have two excited little ones so that’s always a lovely thing to wake up to no matter how crappy I feel :) and just think about our new little ones joining us next year :) xx
Little ones just make Christmas for me the excitement from them and seeing their faces light up in the morning.. I can't wait to have that for myself xxx
Yeah they did! Only thing they could see was a bit of blood still in there she said!
My dear how are you feeling? Please take good care of yourself, get lots of rest. Remember as soon as you stop bleeding you can start trying again, if you feel comfortable, as you are extra fertile for some reason after a MC. I MC before this pregnancy too, and my previous MC also I was super fertile. I hope you’re okay and coping well XxxxX
Ive tried all of that and doesn’t seem to work :(. If I can ever log on from a desk top I’ll try through there :)
I struggle with the photos too. As @C.hall.pcos said. If you go into your photo album and choose the photo you want to upload. You have to normally crop it quite a bit in order to be able to upload. That's how I do it if doesn't work first time I go back into photos and crop it even more then normally allows me to xxx
I struggle with the photos too. As @C.hall.pcos said. If you go into your photo album and choose the photo you want to upload. You have to normally crop it quite a bit in order to be able to upload. That's how I do it if doesn't work first time I go back into photos and crop it even more then normally allows me to xxx
Thanks Jac I tried again and it doesn’t work maybe because it’s on my iPhone :( if I get chance to log on from a desk top it will do :) feeling very happy today :) I hope everyone with their scans over the next few days everything is fine :)
Had my booking appointment yesterday, well part 1 or 2 were I am, nothing exciting at all just jabbed me for blood and a urine sample got to go back for the second part of the appointment in two week's time (6th Jan). My scan is then booked for 15th Jan by which time I'll be 12 weeks 2 days (fingers crossed).
Midwife gave good advice and did actually warn me about posting questions etc in forums as sometimes the answers can scare you more than reassure you which I understand. I'm still worried which is completely natural and at the end of the day whatever will happen will happen and all the worrying will do me more harm than good. So ladies, try and relax and enjoy Christmas and good luck to all for the New Year ahead.xx
How’s everyone doing? Is anyone planning on telling people around Christmas or keeping it secret? I’ll be telling the family if all goes well on Tuesday. Xx
How did your scan go today, I hope all is well :)
My levels have went up by 50! Which is not what is supposed to be happening at all!!! They want me in on Boxing Day for more bloods! If it’s still going up then more scans because it could be ectopic! This is a nightmare! I’ve no pain or anything but something obviously isn’t right! Xx
How did your scan go today, I hope all is well :)
All went well 6weeks 5 days due 13th August! I’ve got the midwife next Tuesday she will request my 12 week scan then. Telling parents tomorrow! Merry Christmas everyone xxxx

@Littleperson this is awful I’m so so sorry this is happening. Stay strong. Sending you lots of love xx
All went well 6weeks 5 days due 13th August! I’ve got the midwife next Tuesday she will request my 12 week scan then. Telling parents tomorrow! Merry Christmas everyone xxxx

@Littleperson this is awful I’m so so sorry this is happening. Stay strong. Sending you lots of love xx
Really happy to hear your scan went well!

just really want answers now! This has been the longest most dragged out process! I just want to know what’s happening with my body! Xxx
All went well 6weeks 5 days due 13th August! I’ve got the midwife next Tuesday she will request my 12 week scan then. Telling parents tomorrow! Merry Christmas everyone xxxx

@Littleperson this is awful I’m so so sorry this is happening. Stay strong. Sending you lots of love xx
You’re exactly the same as me - well I was 6 weeks 5 days yesterday so I’m a day ahead of you :). A big congratulations it’s such a relief when you see everything on the screen, even though I vowed not to get a scan I finally caved in. I spoke to the doctor about the scan if it is evasive she said definitely not so I am happy I had my scan now.

so happy you can tell your family the lovely news xxxxx
My levels have went up by 50! Which is not what is supposed to be happening at all!!! They want me in on Boxing Day for more bloods! If it’s still going up then more scans because it could be ectopic! This is a nightmare! I’ve no pain or anything but something obviously isn’t right! Xx
Littleperson I am so sorry you’re going through all of this. I don’t want to add to your struggle at the moment but I really do not feel they are treating you correctly, really I’m so sad and sorry for you. :(

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