August mummies :)

I could have written your posts myself, it is no consolation but you are not alone. I feel awful, I have come back off the cyclizine as I don’t feel any difference with it, I have now lost 12lbs in weight and am finding myself very depressed with it too, I sometimes wonder how I am going to go on anymore amounts of time feeling like this. I feel it’s affecting everyone around me as my five and two year old are being so good about it but I can’t help but feel like I am failing them and my husband is having to pick up the slack on everything else. I know for me this will defiantly be my last pregnancy and I know I should feel so thankful and I am more than grateful, but it doesn’t stop the feelings of depression creeping through. I am here to talk at anytime if you continue to struggle, I can’t help but I can listen, and sometime that’s a little help when no one around understands. Just take care and big hugs to you xx

Thank you so much. It is actually so helpful to hear I’m not the only one struggling so much. Especially with the mum guilt. I feel like I’m failing my daughter by not being able to be as present with her as I’d like, forever saying, mummy’s not well I can’t do that right now.
I hope you start to feel better soon. It will all be worth it in end of course it’s just a case of surviving until then.
Thank you so much for your kind words, it’s nice to not feel so alone xx
I know I feel exactly the same, it’s just so hard, I have said I would rather do labour three times over than this weeks of illness, it’s just so draining. If you every need to talk feel free to message me. And hopefully we both survive through long enough to enjoy. My sickness has usually started to turn around about 18 weeks thankfully so just counting down the time and hoping that this ones the same. I have been eating ice pops to try and keep me hydrated and just doing as little as possible, but it is starting to take its tole. Hopefully time speeds up now over Christmas, but sadly I feel like it’s just a case of keeping on going day by day haha hopefully soon enough we will look back and it will all be a bad memory and we can enjoy :) xx
How’s everyone doing? Is anyone planning on telling people around Christmas or keeping it secret? I’ll be telling the family if all goes well on Tuesday. Xx
How’s everyone doing? Is anyone planning on telling people around Christmas or keeping it secret? I’ll be telling the family if all goes well on Tuesday. Xx
Good luck for Tuesday :) I hope all goes well :) we had to tell my husbands mom as she kind of guessed, as I wasn’t being myself. I have a scan tomorrow so will see how it goes and if we will tell anyone else.

I just feel tired, sore breasts, do not like the taste of any food and can smell everything, but saying that I’m happy to have any symptoms if it means staying pregnant :)

I hope its all good for Tuesday xxxx is it your first scan ?
Good luck for your scans ladies.
Can’t wait to see pictures.
How far gone are you both?

I have to wait til next Mon for mine which can’t come quick enough xx
Most of my family know as they’ve been there for us throughout our fertility issues and ivf.

I don’t know why there’s such a big deal about waiting until after the 12 week Scan to tell people. After countless miscarriages and 3 rounds of ivf I want people to understand the struggles myself and many other like myself face. I don’t want to hide what’s happened and happy to talk about it xx
Ahh thanks! I should be 7 weeks but totally unsure on dates, hence the scan. Yes my first scan. I’ve got sore boobs but that’s about it, and a few food cravings. Sometimes I worry as I really don’t feel much but I know that can be very normal!

bless ya ladies i know how u all feel being ill so glad my viral infections gone now and not sick as often hope things get better for you all.
@Littleperson did they not scan you? x
Most of my family know as they’ve been there for us throughout our fertility issues and ivf.

I don’t know why there’s such a big deal about waiting until after the 12 week Scan to tell people. After countless miscarriages and 3 rounds of ivf I want people to understand the struggles myself and many other ms face. I’m not ashamed by what’s happened xx
Totally agree with you! Regardless of what happens at the scan we will be telling my family as I probably won’t be myself at Xmas! Xx
i believe im 8 and half weeks hoping when i see the midwife on the 30th she will set a scan date a bit closer. Ill probably be on high monitor pregnancy anyway as im not the skinniest and my maternal grandad had diabetes :/
Most of my family know as they’ve been there for us throughout our fertility issues and ivf.

I don’t know why there’s such a big deal about waiting until after the 12 week Scan to tell people. After countless miscarriages and 3 rounds of ivf I want people to understand the struggles myself and many other like myself face. I don’t want to hide what’s happened and happy to talk about it xx
the only concern i have is if something goes wrong how hard it would be to omit it and deal with people being sorry for me ive only told necessary people atm. xx
Good luck for your scans ladies.
Can’t wait to see pictures.
How far gone are you both?

I have to wait til next Mon for mine which can’t come quick enough xx

I think I am 6.5 weeks, not sure when I ovulated as I MC in October so cycle was a bit messed up.
I already have had two scans and saw a HB last week, but she told me was a little small, when the Doctor called I asked her again and said no it’s fine. I have as I said another scan tomorrow just to check all is well as I bled a few times and also have an infection so they are keeping an eye on things.

I remember my other pregnancies I hated waiting for my scan - I’m quite impatient - so I know that feeling :).
How many weeks are you? Pls keep me updated with how it goes it’s so exciting :)
the only concern i have is if something goes wrong how hard it would be to omit it and deal with people being sorry for me ive only told necessary people atm. xx
I’m glad your infection has gone, I’m on antibiotics now.... but only for a week and hopefully that will be it. I think I’ll wait 3 months until I tell everyone, as I said MIL guessed straight away by looking at me so we couldn’t hide it from her :)
We have pretty much told everyone now as I have been so unwell and in the hospital, I live in a small community so wanted family to hear from us first. I also felt with previous miscarriage that for me I would rather people know so I don’t have to hind anything. I also got a scan when last admitted to hospital so kinda just went for it after that :) I think it’s a personal choice for everyone, and whenever is the right time for you as a couple works :)
We have pretty much told everyone now as I have been so unwell and in the hospital, I live in a small community so wanted family to hear from us first. I also felt with previous miscarriage that for me I would rather people know so I don’t have to hind anything. I also got a scan when last admitted to hospital so kinda just went for it after that :) I think it’s a personal choice for everyone, and whenever is the right time for you as a couple works :)

how many weeks are you Kiwi ?
We have pretty much told everyone now as I have been so unwell and in the hospital, I live in a small community so wanted family to hear from us first. I also felt with previous miscarriage that for me I would rather people know so I don’t have to hind anything. I also got a scan when last admitted to hospital so kinda just went for it after that :) I think it’s a personal choice for everyone, and whenever is the right time for you as a couple works :)

Totally agree.
Hope you’re doing ok xx
Hi everyone, I know i'm late to the party but really desperate to speak to some people at the same stage as me! I'm due 23rd August so i'm around 5 weeks pregnant at the moment. Would be great to chat about things! I'm a very anxious person so have been freaking out about miscarriages non-stop. Bought myself a journal to keep throughout so I can write things in to try and get them out of my mind a bit. It's my first pregnancy and we were only trying for 4 months before it finally happened :) I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to Christmas! As a big drinker pre-pregnancy it's going to be very weird!
Hi everyone, I know i'm late to the party but really desperate to speak to some people at the same stage as me! I'm due 23rd August so i'm around 5 weeks pregnant at the moment. Would be great to chat about things! I'm a very anxious person so have been freaking out about miscarriages non-stop. Bought myself a journal to keep throughout so I can write things in to try and get them out of my mind a bit. It's my first pregnancy and we were only trying for 4 months before it finally happened :) I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to Christmas! As a big drinker pre-pregnancy it's going to be very weird!
Welcome! It’s normal to feel anxious, unfortunately it’s out of our hands and we just have to sit and wait hoping it’s a sticky bean! Are you going for an early scan? That might help with your anxiety maybe?
I am 10 weeks today :) going by lmp, so I am actually a July mummy but they don’t speak much and this seems like a lovely group so was just nice to have people in the same boat to speak to :)
I am 10 weeks today :) going by lmp, so I am actually a July mummy but they don’t speak much and this seems like a lovely group so was just nice to have people in the same boat to speak to :)
Oh congratulation :) I just had my scan this morning so the baby has grown to 8mm and heart beat good she actually dated me at 6+5. Really I’m so eternally grateful to have nice news as I am quite pessimistic regards what’s happened before :) yes I saw July group is very quiet...

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