*** August 2018 Mummies ***

How exciting having a scan today! Hope all goes well hun. I have been dreaming a lot more lately,

Feeling absolutely exhausted today! 7 weeks today. Forgot how knackering growing a Human is! Hope everyone has a good day xxx
Hey ladies! Congratulations!! I'm due the 8th August. Got my first scan on the 26th January so the date might change a little.
I've been feeling permanently nauseous which sucks but I've not actually been sick. My clothes are really tight and I can't sleep comfortably on my front, I think Christmas over indulgence has something to do with that though!! Anyone else feeling the same?

Hey ladies! Congratulations!! I'm due the 8th of August, I've got my first scan on January 26th though so my date might change a little.

I've been feeling permanently nauseous which sucks but I've not actually been sick thankfully! I'm already struggling to sleep on my front comfortably which may be partly due yo Christmas over indulgence lol! How's everyone else feeling?
Hi sorry ive been very quite recently life is very busy with a 6 year old and almost 6 month old baby.
Havnt called the midwife yet because i worry she will be very negative since im not even 6 months post natel yet and still have post natel depression.
Hi sorry ive been very quite recently life is very busy with a 6 year old and almost 6 month old baby.
Havnt called the midwife yet because i worry she will be very negative since im not even 6 months post natel yet and still have post natel depression.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment! It may feel daunting telling your midwife and worrying what she may think but really she should be completely supportive and I'm sure she will be! Just make sure you tell her how you feel about everything and make sure she knows you are still suffering with PND and she will most likely look out for you :)
Hey ladies! Congratulations!! I'm due the 8th of August, I've got my first scan on January 26th though so my date might change a little.

I've been feeling permanently nauseous which sucks but I've not actually been sick thankfully! I'm already struggling to sleep on my front comfortably which may be partly due yo Christmas over indulgence lol! How's everyone else feeling?

Massive congratulations Ftm and welcome to the thread! My due date is somewhere between 7th and 10th so you’re very close to me. I have my scan on 25th Jan too. Sorry you’re feeling nauseous, it really does suck doesn’t it?! I’ve had constant nausea since 6 weeks and started vomiting this week, but I think some of the lovely ladies on here have had it worse so I’m trying to stay positive. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Hi sorry ive been very quite recently life is very busy with a 6 year old and almost 6 month old baby.
Havnt called the midwife yet because i worry she will be very negative since im not even 6 months post natel yet and still have post natel depression.

Aurora I really hope that your midwife will be supportive and understanding, she’d be pretty shit at her job if she wasn’t. Definitely try and contact her when you can and know that whatever happens you have all our support on here xx
Sounds stressfull Aurora! I have a 5,3 and 1 yrs old running about so know how exhausting it is! Today is consisting of movies on the sofa for them whilst I fight the nausea!
I really hope your midwife will be the support you need! And remember the ladies here are here to listen and offer advice where we can. Xxx
I hadn’t pnd with my first but I knew it was still my plan to have them close together! Your pnd is likely to have gone by the time new baby arrives! If she is judgmental just simply ask for another midwife as she has no right to judge her role is to support you! I’m still feeling sick and was sick again last night! The only positive to sickness is less weight gain! I also have a year old who wants to walk everywhere and pull everything off sides out of draws! She is also teething!!! Arghhh! Hopefully my booking in appointment is next week as I’m 10 weeks on Tuesday!xxx
I’ve been so lucky with my midwife. I have managed to have the same one every time, and we now have a strong relationship. I know I could contact her anytime and she’ll contact me as soon as she can. I hope yours turns out the same Aurora.
This is he only pregnancy I’ve actually been sick! Great fun with 3 little people watching lol and a 1 yr old that finds it hilarious! ��
Hope you get your booking in appointment soon Mexico! X
I have had counselling for my pnd i believe its connected to having a really bad pregnancy. I had hyperemesis all the way through, a cyst in my inner thigh that got infected, i fell in the bath the 3 days later fell down the stairs.

I had the contraceptive injection and we used condoms didn't expect it to fail but i guess this little one really wants to be here. Just hope this pregnancy is easier.
I am the same Rowe the midwife that was there through my first is doing my booking in appointment and she is lovely so literally when I fell pregnant with this one I just text her! I am wanting a Home birth this time as I couldn’t the first time as I had to be induced to fingers crossed! Is anyone finding out what their having?? Awww Aurora don’t worry lit looks like it can’t be any worse than your first xxx
Home birth sounds lovely, but due to past issues I have to be on labour ward �� I will be finding out as I’m to impatient to wait lol!

Auraua it definitely sounds like your little one wants to be here! I was on the pill and fell. I’ve not told oh yet as he really didn’t want anymore �� xx
Haha Rowe!! When are you going to tell him? Omg what do you think he will be like when he finds out? Xx
Lol Mexico! I don’t know! He’s going to get suspicious soon though. Being the 4th I’m already showing, the nausea, falling asleep all the time and going off certain foods are a massive give away! It’s his birthday in a week so may give him a card from the others and one from the bump! X

Hope the sickness is easing! I was up all night with my youngest, so we’re chilli g whilst daddy has taken the others to see their grandad xx
Awww bless you Rowe! Yeah hopefully that will soften the blow haha!! Oh no what is wrong with your youngest? How are you still awake! Your youngest is the same age as mine!! Please tell me it gets easier she’s in to everything and doesn’t stop!! Xx
Lol! My youngest is a diva lmao! Wants to do whatever the others do! She’s 18months, she has a nasty cough at the mo combined with teething, so she’s really happy at the mo�� my middle one (the boy) is my monkey! He’s lovely but flipping hard work and Molly is 5, and does not stop talking! �� it’s easier now they’re a bit older and can play together.
Happy new year to you xxx
One more week. Just one more tiny little week until DD1 is back at nursery! I love her more than the whole world, but this week cannot pass quick enough!! :lol:
Happy New Year everyone!

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I’m still throwing up! So bad tonight! Literally throwing up bile and still feel sick!!! I am sick nearly every day!! And feel sick everyday! Feel horrible!!

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