Hi sorry ive been very quite recently life is very busy with a 6 year old and almost 6 month old baby.
Havnt called the midwife yet because i worry she will be very negative since im not even 6 months post natel yet and still have post natel depression.
Hey ladies! Congratulations!! I'm due the 8th of August, I've got my first scan on January 26th though so my date might change a little.
I've been feeling permanently nauseous which sucks but I've not actually been sick thankfully! I'm already struggling to sleep on my front comfortably which may be partly due yo Christmas over indulgence lol! How's everyone else feeling?
Hi sorry ive been very quite recently life is very busy with a 6 year old and almost 6 month old baby.
Havnt called the midwife yet because i worry she will be very negative since im not even 6 months post natel yet and still have post natel depression.