*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Hi Ladies,
I work out from my own calculations that I'm due 8th August, which is our wedding anniversary!
Feeling absolutely horrendous, sick morning, day and night, literally threw up in the shower the last two mornings, and I'm struggling with tiredness - just hoping it's not twins again - 14 years later!
Good to see you all, and pleased I'm not alone in the sickness - desperately trying to remind myself how lucky I am after over a year of trying for this much wanted pregnancy!
As many of you have said - roll on 2nd trimester!

Congratulations Shinymac! Such great news, I wonder if you have been bitten by the twin gene again??

I know its pretty selfish, but i'm glad I am not the only one struggling. Feeling really useless and down at the moment... roll on second trimester :wall2:

I had a private scan the other day and it really helped pick me up, watching the peanut move around really did make all the sickness feel worthwhile, I couldn't recommend it more!

Aww PurdieCat I’m glad the scan went well! And I’m also selfishly glad that I’m not suffering with the sickness alone! Misery likes company and all that! Xx
Well I am now over 10 weeks and I don’t want to jinx us but I am feeling a lot less sick! I wasn’t sick last night although I wasn’t sick this morning but only because I just my LG nappy and it’s was horrendous. Don’t feel sick tonight!! Fingers crossed I am coming out the other side! Xx

Yay Mexico I’m really glad you’re starting to feel better (I hope I haven’t just jinxed you and you still are!) xx
Didn't phone midwife in the end because on top of my chest infection i also have laryngitis.

My morning sickness started at exactly 6 weeks with Ds2 so im starting to feel more positive about this pregnancy since im almost 8 weeks and haven't been sick yet.

Sorry you’ve been so unwell Aurora, hope the chest infection and laryngitis is beginning to clear up xx
Hey everyone, I've been so I'll over the last few days.
Had my booking appointment with MW yesterday, it's finally starting to sink in now :lol:
I'm under consultant led care which is new for me. I should get my scan date through any day now :cheer:

The sickness has got so bad though and already having a weak bladder is leading to some pretty embarrassing days at the moment - time to bulk buy leggings I think :lol:

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New year xx

I’m under the consultant too so we’ll be able to compare experiences! Mexico made a good point that actually it can be reassuring to have extra check ups, hopefully we’ll have a good experience xx
Haha thanks niv! Yeah still feeling better thank you! Hopefully you and everyone else will too! Xx
Hey ladies, how are you all feeling?
Glad you’re feeling better Mexico!
Wintergirl- I’ve had the brown discharge to Hun, think I would have been around 6 weeks then too.: all 3 previous pregnancies I’ve bled at 8 weeks, as I’m 8 weeks on sat I’m expecting to see that anytime!
I have my booking in app on 19th jan and scan referrals have been sent. So should get app through soon I hope!

Hope u don't mind me popping in! I'm due end of July but I haven't had a dating scan yet so I'm kinda popping between July and August threads. Seems u guys have it bad with the nausea and sickness like me haha hopefully we can all have a break from it soon! It's horrible xx

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Hi LuckyLaura, nice to have you join us! I’ve seen some of your other threads and it seems like you’re really having a tough time with sickness. Really sorry that you’ve been so poorly, I really hope you start to feel better soon xx

Hahaha I must be moaning all over the show!!! Thanks :) I've a sick line from my GP which has lifted a huge amount of stress off me and it helps weirdly. I'm hoping now I'm 11 weeks it'll be better! Xx

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Yeah I’m back tomorrow too! Dreading it! Some plonker has booked me client appointments too!! First day back! Morons!!
I feel better now than I did either!! I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and hoping I haven’t got much longer of this! Sorry to hear your unwell too! Sounds like your worse than I am! I have been sick about 3 times tonight but in close succession! I’m generally not sick in the morning or daytime! I was evening sick last time but not this bad!! How many weeks are you Niv? Xx

Hey Niv and Mexico

I was just wondering when you are going to tell your work? I`m sick too , just bad nausea and gagging but wondering how long I can actually hide it for .... we have a few work function's coming up so I have to pretend I'm drinking at those!!

Hey Wintergirl. First I’m glad that your discharge seems to have stopped, it is all so nerve wracking at this stage isn’t it.

Funnily enough I was literally just talking to my husband about the work situation. I was completing a risk assessment for a lady I supervise who is 20 weeks pregnant today. It seemed like a pretty standard form and it mentioned morning sickness on it and that adjustments to work might be needed to support this. I’ve been sick 2/3 times while at work this week and it’s getting really hard so I’ve decided I’m going to tell my manager next week. I’ll be 10 weeks but how far you are doesn’t matter, as soon as you reveal your pregnancy you’ll be protected and have rights with regards to any pregnancy related matters.

I get why people don’t want to tell too many people before the 12 weeks but I think work is a bit different. If something was wrong at my 12 week scan I might need time off so would have to tell work anyway. For me personally it just seems better to tell work earlier, although I’m scared to death at the thought of actually having to do it! Perhaps you’d be better telling earlier too if you’re struggling? Definitely go with what you think feels right xx
I told work at around 9 weeks cuz I was sooooo ill haha xx

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My work has known for ages! I only came back from maternity in August/September!! They were fine just worried I’m not going to come back! Xx
I told my work before my 12 week scan too! Funnily enough I've been having nausea and sickness from week 9 and it's still ongoing... Awful! Extremely excited cuz I'll have my first scan on Monday and be pretty much 13 weeks! Can't wait to see how this baby's been cooking. Sorry I haven't been on here lately... I've had a terrible period over Christmas with the flu! Now I've got two weeks off so I'm hoping I can just relax after our first scan and get some rest before I go back to work at around 15 weeks..
I told my work when I was about 6 weeks cos I work in a care home and they have been great and really supportive. My sickness has got really bad last few days. Just can’t wait for 16th for booking appointment as I haven’t had anything apart from doctors telling me to refer myself to midwife
Hi all!

Ive got a few appointments booked next week and im a bit confused as to what they are for, I know one is a booking in appointment - but which one??

One is on wednesday, with Obstetrics at the hospital maternity ward.

the second is on Friday with with a midwife at a local health centre.

Any ideas?
Ready to join in here now as am 8 weeks tomorrow. I think I am due the 21st though midwife says 19th so could you please add me on.

This is baby no. 2 as I have a 2.5yr old already.
Hi all!

Ive got a few appointments booked next week and im a bit confused as to what they are for, I know one is a booking in appointment - but which one??

One is on wednesday, with Obstetrics at the hospital maternity ward.

the second is on Friday with with a midwife at a local health centre.

Any ideas?

Hey PurdieCat, hope you’re doing well. At a guess the one at your local health centre is your booking in appointment as these are usually done in the community. Really not sure what the obstetrics one might be, I have an appointment there in a couple of weeks but thats following my booking in appointment and the midwife referring me to the consultant. Is it something your GP referred you for? Xx
Welcome all, I have my booking appointment tomorrow then hopefully the scan won’t be far behind as I’m 11 weeks tomorrow. It’s the homebirth midwife coming tomorrow!! Wooop! Xx
Niv, the second one will be the booking appointment with the midwife! Xxx
Thank you!!! Congrats everyone! Hope you're all feeling well? I'm struggling with my emotions at the moment! Crying over EVERYTHING lol! Although the sickness has subsided sonim very thankful for that!

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