*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Anyone else seriously debating getting a private gender scan as soon as they can. Booking appointment yesterday and all went well got all my notes now still doesn’t feel real though. Hope everyone’s feeling good

I think you need to be at least 16 weeks for a gender scan. All the ones round here say 16+weeks. You can book private scans from any gestation but they won't be able to tell you the gender until 16+ weeks xx
Anyone else seriously debating getting a private gender scan as soon as they can. Booking appointment yesterday and all went well got all my notes now still doesn’t feel real though. Hope everyone’s feeling good

I've wanted to for my other pregnancies but dh talked me out of it. Because I was so nervous about the anomaly scan, he said it's better to have the gender reveal to look forward to on the day to try and help with my nerves in the lead up to it. And I think it has helped!
Didn’t think of it like that juice, nice way to think about it. I’ve looked into private scan and they have said 16weeks plus so I have time to think about it. My partner said I can only have one private scan though so need to decide if I want to find out sex earlier or wait and have nice 4d scan lasted on when we can see more
Morning lovelies, how’s everyone doing?

I phoned in sick for the first time today, I told work last week because I kept being sick at work and I felt like today they thought ‘we wondered when you were going to use it as an excuse’. I feel so guilty! To be honest my sickness isn’t too bad but I feel extremely dizzy and have a crazy headache, I would have phoned in sick if I had those symptoms without being pregnant but for some reason I feel like I’ve done a bad thing! Urgh, anyone else feel like this?? Xx
Hi Niv,

Sorry you feel rotten today. Try not to feel bad about phoning in. You need to take it easy and your health is the most important thing. I have been feeling really guilty too about not doing housework and shopping etc, but i'm over it. If your not well, you are not well, regardless of the cause!!
Hope you’re feeling better, Niv.

I think I’d like to know the gender but will probably wait till 20 week scan rather than having an extra one.
Morning ladies! How are we all feeling, I hope those that have been feeling poorly are feeling better!

Have my booking in appointment today, so excited to see my lovely midwife again! Xx
oooh exciting! I'm not having mine until after my NT scan on Tuesday....I'm absolutely SH***ING myself :(
For some reason I feel like I'm going to lose the baby, or going to get there and find no heartbeat...just so much anxiety!

Hope everyone is feeling well x
Both my sister and my best friend found at as early as 15 weeks with a private scan! I’m going to pay to find out at 16 weeks, can’t wait! Also going to get the nurse to put the gender in an envelope and take to a balloon shop, they fill the large black balloon with blue or pink glitter and we’ll pop it with all our family and find out together :-)
I completely understand why some people wait, I can imagine it’s so excited and extra motivation in labour too, it’s just not for me. I like to be prepared, I would over spend buying neutral colours lol

My scans in the morning ! So excited ! 10.40! Will post a photo :-) hope you are all feeling as good as can be ! Xxxx
Hi Ron, that sounds like a lovely idea!! I’m not finding out but we didn’t with our little girl either! We have our scan tomorrow too! Ours is at 9:15! Will be 13 weeks on Tuesday! So I guess by having it later it’s not as long till the 20 week scan!! Still throwing up!! Ahhh it did ease off but come back horrendously! Throwing up every evening! X
Hi Ron, that sounds like a lovely idea!! I’m not finding out but we didn’t with our little girl either! We have our scan tomorrow too! Ours is at 9:15! Will be 13 weeks on Tuesday! So I guess by having it later it’s not as long till the 20 week scan!! Still throwing up!! Ahhh it did ease off but come back horrendously! Throwing up every evening! X

Ahhh how exciting for you too!! Cannot believe we’re going to get to see our little beans in the morning ! Haha , can’t wait to compare photos! Yours will be a lot bigger than mine as I’m only 11weeks 2 days xxx

My sickness has definitely improved, I’ve only thrown up the once , but I struggle when I have any milk , strange! Lol

Went and looked at buggies today too (so inpatient) haha , think we like the Stokke Xplory V5 but ask the silver cross pioneer looks good! Anyone else started looking at Prams yet or am I just crazy? Haha xxx
We have a bugaboo! It’s the grey limited edition one! We love it as hubby doesn’t mind pushing it either!! they are just so expensive aren’t they! Yeah it’s mad! Hoping I will start feeling better soon! Do you have any inclings what your having? Do you have any preference? This is our last little one we said we would stop at 2! They are bloody hard work too so couldn’t manage anymore than that!! Xx
Hope everything goes well tomorrow Mexico and Roniece! Looking forward to seeing your pics! I’ve got my scan on Thursday, still feels forever away at the moment.....

I’ve also noticed that my sickness is improving, plus my appetite is finally returning, fingers crossed it stays that way. Oh and I’ve looked at prams, cribs, nursery furniture, car seats, monitors......I’m definitely impatient! Xx
It’s so weird as in life I am the most impatient person with everything! But not this! Weird! Glad everyone is starting to feel better! I had a migraine over the weekend too haven’t had one of those for ages! Are you guys going to have 4d scan? Niv. You finding out what your having? Xx
Thanks Niv! Thursday will fly by this has come round quick enougo! When the midwife came round and floated the date of 30 July for when baby was due I calculated it to be 4 August!! I’m looking forward to that part too xx
I think it’s great that you’re able to stay team yellow Mexico, I was always determined I would be...until I got pregnant and now I need to know! Did you have any inkling with your first and if so were you right? I had a dream I was having a boy the other day xx
At the start and probably for about the first 6 months I thought boy! But something after that was saying girl! We had our names picked out for each! We have a change of midwifes at 7am and this young midwife came on at 7am just after my waters broke I asked her name and she said what it was and that was the name we had picked for our little girl! So weird and low and behold it was a girl!! Sooo weird! She delivered her too!! Xx
Oh wow that’s such a coincidence! I’m really struggling with girl name idea, although of course it’s still early. I’m planning on finding out at 17 weeks so will know then whether I need to get my thinking cap on or not! Xx
It’s weird though I really wanted boy first but now I have a little girl I am so glad as I would be more upset if I had two children and they were both boys from a personal point of view ideally for us team blue would be the perfect situation but we will be happy either way! Do you have any preference Niv? Xx

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