*** August 2018 Mummies ***

I had my booking in appointment today- it made it feel very real!
I haven't had mine yet! I'm only having one so I can get my notes for my 12 week scan I've decided against any NHS midwife/hospital care, just going to have my swabs and blood tests done privately and then go it alone... private scans but that's it!
Evening beautiful ones, I have just had my booking appointment and asked my lovely midwife if she could use the Doppler to see if we could hear baby! She didn’t really want to as she thought I would worry if I couldn’t hear anything. I said it’s fine! She tried for a few minutes and we didn’t hear anything and I said to her try here as his is where I get a pain sometime and sure as can be the quick beating echoed out!! 11 weeks today so scan should be next week. Had my bloods taken and had to give a urine sample and she is going to do the breathing carbon monoxide one when I see her next! Flu jab is booked for next week too! Whooping cough can be booked from 20 weeks onwards!! After she went!! Sick was not the word!! Hope you are all baking well!!:) xxx
Oh how lovely! It's amazing hearing their little heartbeats :) glad things are going well
I haven't had mine yet! I'm only having one so I can get my notes for my 12 week scan I've decided against any NHS midwife/hospital care, just going to have my swabs and blood tests done privately and then go it alone... private scans but that's it!

Oooh interesting! So would you have a home birth just on your own, or are you getting a private midwife or doula? I really wish I had the confidence to have a home birth, but I'm really not brave enough :/
I haven't had mine yet! I'm only having one so I can get my notes for my 12 week scan I've decided against any NHS midwife/hospital care, just going to have my swabs and blood tests done privately and then go it alone... private scans but that's it!

Oooh interesting! So would you have a home birth just on your own, or are you getting a private midwife or doula? I really wish I had the confidence to have a home birth, but I'm really not brave enough :/

I'm going to call the hospital and let them know when I'm in labour, so they wil send someone out if I refuse to go in to the hospital, but i'm absolutely refusing any unnecessary treatments or examinations. I only want someone on hand in case of an emergency
My mother is a midwife although she can't really deliver the baby she will be there so she'll know if and when to call someone.

The statistics for homebirths/relaxed births reducing the need for intervention are actually scary! The automatic reaction to stress is for contractions to slow down so i'm going to try and keep it as chilled as poss this time!
Hi everyone, hope your all well. Your making me super excited for my book on appointment next week now :) I’m having a low mood week unfortunately constantly feeling like I can’t do this and that I’ll be rubbish and few times found myself questioning if I’m actually pregnant at all and was the tears just fake positives. Hoping once I get scan it’ll all feel more real and won’t keep having these doubts. Anyone else felt like this xxx
Hi everyone, hope your all well. Your making me super excited for my book on appointment next week now :) I’m having a low mood week unfortunately constantly feeling like I can’t do this and that I’ll be rubbish and few times found myself questioning if I’m actually pregnant at all and was the tears just fake positives. Hoping once I get scan it’ll all feel more real and won’t keep having these doubts. Anyone else felt like this xxx

I've had two scans already and I still feel like this...until I get a bump and feel baby move I always feel this way! try to enjoy the first bit of pregnancy where you still have full mobility and relish sleeping on your front while you can! :hugs:
Scan is booked finally! 22 January! I will nearly be 13 weeks by the time I had the scan! Was hoping it was going to be next week! Never mind! Hope everyone is doing well! Xx
Hi all!

Ive got a few appointments booked next week and im a bit confused as to what they are for, I know one is a booking in appointment - but which one??

One is on wednesday, with Obstetrics at the hospital maternity ward.

the second is on Friday with with a midwife at a local health centre.

Any ideas?

Hey PurdieCat, hope you’re doing well. At a guess the one at your local health centre is your booking in appointment as these are usually done in the community. Really not sure what the obstetrics one might be, I have an appointment there in a couple of weeks but thats following my booking in appointment and the midwife referring me to the consultant. Is it something your GP referred you for? Xx

I really dont know what that appointment was for. They were just as confused as me. All they did was check my blood pressure and urine for glucose etc... I think my doctor booked it be accident! weird :eh:
Scan is booked finally! 22 January! I will nearly be 13 weeks by the time I had the scan! Was hoping it was going to be next week! Never mind! Hope everyone is doing well! Xx

I will be well into my 13th week for my scan too. Annoying. I am so impatient!
Hi everyone, hope your all well. Your making me super excited for my book on appointment next week now :) I’m having a low mood week unfortunately constantly feeling like I can’t do this and that I’ll be rubbish and few times found myself questioning if I’m actually pregnant at all and was the tears just fake positives. Hoping once I get scan it’ll all feel more real and won’t keep having these doubts. Anyone else felt like this xxx

I'm the same! My booking appointment is next week too and I'll be 10+4 weeks so I'm hoping they hurry up with a scan date! Super nervous I'm so sure they'll say nothing is in there and the pregnancy symptoms are in my head. This is my first. X
I got my scan date through today. 1st Feb, I'll be about 12 weeks. Can't wait!!
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Yeah Purdie that is standard blood pressure and urine!! Don’t worry about it lovely!! Haha! I might have to be under the consultant yet due to my last baby being on the small side! They are going to get my notes out and let me know!! Xx
Hey Ladies
Ive been MIA again! thanks to everyone who replied to my discharge panic , it was just that once!
I think I will have to tell work next week as we having a work do and it will be so obvious when I'm not drinking!

I have a private scan booked for next week , cant wait for that and I got my hospital date for the middle of Feb today

Anyone else feel like they are showing really early I have a hard little bump , I`m 8 weeks....unless I completely messed up dates but I don't think I could have! Twins???!
Scan is booked finally! 22 January! I will nearly be 13 weeks by the time I had the scan! Was hoping it was going to be next week! Never mind! Hope everyone is doing well! Xx

Snap! My scans the 22nd as well ! Haha I think I’ll only be 11 weeks though x
Haha!! That’s good they got you in a bit early! Mines at 9:15! Don’t think it has really sunk in yet! Xx
Hey ladies,
I have my booking app next Friday and scan 8th Feb! Seems ages to wait!
Wintergirl! I’ve been in maternity jeans for weeks! But I’m on 4th pregnancy so think everything’s just popped out lol! Certainly struggling to hide it!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and the morning sickness is easing xxx
Hi everyone, hope your all well. Your making me super excited for my book on appointment next week now :) I’m having a low mood week unfortunately constantly feeling like I can’t do this and that I’ll be rubbish and few times found myself questioning if I’m actually pregnant at all and was the tears just fake positives. Hoping once I get scan it’ll all feel more real and won’t keep having these doubts. Anyone else felt like this xxx

I'm the same! My booking appointment is next week too and I'll be 10+4 weeks so I'm hoping they hurry up with a scan date! Super nervous I'm so sure they'll say nothing is in there and the pregnancy symptoms are in my head. This is my first. X
I was totally the same. Sitting outside waiting on the scan thinking what if they're like "what are u playing at there's nothing there go home and stop wasting time" haha but then I've been sick as a dog so I'd really have needed to see a doctor if it wasn't morning sickness hahaha xx

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Does anyone else feel pregnant? Weird question... but when I lay down the bottom of my belly feels heavy and really full! I never felt that way with my other two but I was hugely overweight so maybe that's why lol

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