So Jealous of all your scans. Mine isn't until the 9th Feb when I will be 12+3. I ovulated quite early though I think so might get put forward a couple of days.
I am in that odd limbo at the minute where some of the symptoms are starting to get better so I really don't feel like I am pregnant. Had booking appointment but still got 2 weeks to wait until my scan.
I am quite anxious about the end of this pregnancy so not wishing it away too quickly. Was pleased by the booking appointment though as they were clear on the extra appointments and care I would get so when I go for my scan I can book my 2 GTT's, 2 extra scans, consultant and anaesthetist appointment. Work wont be happy but they have to give me reasonable time off for appointments so they don't have a choice. Thankfully I work for a company with a good maternity pay package and policy.