*** August 2018 Mummies ***

Hello I've been Mia for a while i ended up with pneumonia and spent a few days in hospital. Starting to feel much better now. Morning sickness is not too bad so long as i eat something every 2 hours.
Had my booking in appointment on friday have to get bloods done next week. Hopefully get my scan appointment for when im 13 weeks as my uterus has a severe tilt and they can never see anything untill im 13 weeks. Will reschedule it of its before.
Hope everyone is doing ok
Aww aurora you poor thing! That’s sounds awful! Are you feeling ok now? I’ve got my scan booked for the 22nd!!o have had my bloods done but I haven’t done the carbon monoxide test thing where you blow in to the tube thing yet! Xx
My midwife never asked me to do the carbon monoxide test either.
Is the carbon monoxide test standard in some places? I'm in Manchester and I've never had it :/
Ive had it with both my pregnancies i thought it was normal. Its to check if you smoke or not.
I had the carbon monoxide test this time, didn't with my almost 7 year old. My MW said they test at booking and again towards the end xx
So excited booking appointment tomorrow, have to wait and see if they do the carbon monoxide test as all they said on the phone when I booked was they would likely do a urine and blood test. Really can’t wait :)
I haven't had my booking appt yet.. I've asked not to have it until after the 12 weeks scan (next tues)
They've tried everything to get me to book it even saying I couldn't have my nuchal translucency screening! But they soon backed down when they realised I wasn't budging
I have my scan on Monday!!! My sickness has subsided which is nice! I’m 12 weeks tomorrow! Crazy it’s gone quite quickly really! Is anyone going to find out the sex! We are team yellow and that’s not changing!! We didn’t find out with our first either! How is everyone else feeling? Xx
I’m definitely going to find out , I’m too impatient ! Haha going to pay for an early gende scan too haha
Still feel slightly sick every day but it comes and goes now which is is easier ! I’ve lost weight since I found out I was pregnant, but I’ve not been eating healthy at all so a little bewildered by that. Especially when I look fatter than usual lol

Roll on Monday! Cannot wait to see how big he/she has got ! X
Funny isn’t it as I am the most impatient person but for this I can wait! Weird!! Aww can’t wait to hear if you are blue or pink . Do you have any preference? Ideally we would like a boy so we have one of each but as long as it’s healthy that is the main thing! I have my flu jab today! The joys! Xx
I always thought that I would be team yellow but since being pregnant I am desperate to know the gender! I’m also booking a private gender scan so we can have the results for mother’s day, which is also hubbys birthday (I’ll be 17 weeks) At the scan we’re going to ask them to write it down and put it in an envelope then ask someone at hubbys work who is a master baker to do a secret reveal cake (the sponge inside will be either pink/blue), that way we can cut it on his birthday/mother’s day in front of family! Cheesey but exciting! I really don’t have a preference for pink or blue but for some reason I just really want to know!

I can’t wait to see your scan pics next week Mexico and Roniece! It’ll be here so soon!

Hope everyone is good xx
In my area you have to have a pre booking in appointment. God knows why but that's how it works. You make an appointment to see the midwife at the surgery and then they make you a booking in appointment. Turns out I can't get a pre-booking in appointment until 31st Jan, by which time I'll be 11 weeks 5 days :( then I've got to try and get a booking in, and a scan all in the space of a week! The receptionist just said "oh it's fine, they'll rush you through." But what if they can't? :( I feel sad and stupid that I waited so late. I always leave it late though because I'm scared I'll jinx it after having miscarriages before :(
I was team yellow with no. 1 and we have discussed it a few times since but cant decide whether we will find out or not. Got a lot of stuff form our boy so would be good to know to be prepared but I loved finding out on the day last time.

My booking in is on Monday afternoon when I will be 9+6 so got time to get my scan booked in hopefully middle of Feb. my booking in is done at the hospital I am at rather than by the community midwife but will be super emotional for me after all the difficulty when my little boy was born. I haven't been back there since he left neonatal at 11 days old.
Can you find the gender at the 12 week scan? I thought you had to be further along than that?
No red, it’s your 20 week scan unless you have a private scan before then!! Xx
I'm finding out, we did with our son - I need to know what to buy :lol:
Were booking a private gender scan and taking our son with us to find out at the same time. Just need to figure out when will be best with me being very overweight xx
Anyone else seriously debating getting a private gender scan as soon as they can. Booking appointment yesterday and all went well got all my notes now still doesn’t feel real though. Hope everyone’s feeling good
I'm deffo team yellow, I was with my first and it was so nice finding out on the day!
I found out with my son at 20 weeks and it helped us bond but I definitely preferred waiting

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